
  • 恋上周日 A Sunday Affair

    类型:剧情, 爱情

    导演:Walter Taylaur   编剧:Mo Abudu

    主演:Dakore Akande, Moses Akerele


  • 周日狂热夜 Sunday Night Fever

    类型:惊悚, 情色

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Nathalie Hart, Diether Ocampo, 里基·达沃

      hilippines米奇(Diether Ocampo)正处于厨师生涯的巅峰时期,但令所有人困惑的是,他仍然单身,没有结婚。在他们不知道的情况下,在他男子气概和天真的外表下隐藏着一个永不知足的黑暗秘密。他用望远镜监视着公寓里毫无戒心的女人。一个决定性的夜晚,当金姆(纳塔莉·哈特)和她富有的中年伴侣鲁迪(瑞奇·达沃饰)做爱时,他的目光落在了她身上。当金姆和鲁迪开始经常光顾米奇共同拥有的豪华餐厅时,他们的世界发生了碰撞。出于满足他们需求的共同愿望,金姆和米奇开始了一段危险的恋情,这段恋情使他们的生命处于危险之中。

  • 周日八点党 周日八點黨


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:吴宗宪, 柯受良, 康晋荣, 郁方, 许杰辉, 陈宣裕, 九孔, 唐从圣, 洪胜德

      《周日八点党》,简称《周八》,于2000年4月16日至2008年7月27日每个星期日20:00 - 22:00播出的台湾综艺节目,由全能制作公司制作,吴宗宪等人主持。

  • 周日早上 Sunday Morning

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 短片

    导演:Brian O'Toole   编剧:Brian O'Toole


      On Sunday morning a little girl named Kiva is getting up to mischief around her palatia home . After a frightening accident in the swimming pool she then encounters Lucas ,a visiting window cleaner .Can he be trsted ? And where are her parents?

  • 周日高校音乐剧 Sunday School Musical

    类型:剧情, 歌舞

    导演:Rachel Goldenberg   编剧:Rachel Goldenberg, Ashley Holloway

    主演:Chris Chatman, Candise Lakota, Robert Acinapura, Krystle Connor

      Two competing groups of high school students must rally together and enter a song and dance competition in order to save their church from closing.

  • 周日画家亨利·卢梭 Monitor: Always on Sunday


    导演:肯·罗素   编剧:

    主演:奥列佛·里德, James Lloyd, Annette Robertson, 布莱恩·普林格

      After the death of his wife, former civil servant Henri Rousseau takes up painting full time. Coming across as a rarified boob, Russell's version of Rousseau could best be described as an accidental master. Most of his canvases are crackpot versions of reality as seen through the eyes of a naïve painter, and his loneliness and lack of worldly perspective really amplifies his ap...

  • 第一个周日 First Sunday

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 犯罪

    导演:David E. Talbert   编剧:David E. Talbert

    主演:艾斯·库珀, 雷吉娜·赫尔, P.J. Byrne, 崔西·摩根, 卡特·威廉姆斯

      冰块酷巴《限制级战警2》与卡特威廉斯《糯米正传》,一动一喜演出动感爆笑剧... 2个鳖脚的笨贼策划抢劫教会的募款,并且绑架教会教友及神职人员作为人质。没想到,笃信神迹的教友们,即将以上帝之名,齐力感化者两个天兵大盗…

  • 周日六点 Duminică la ora 6


    导演:卢奇安·平蒂列   编剧:


      Lucian Pintilie's first film, Sunday at 6 O'clock (Duminica la ora 6, 1965) , one of the few Romanian modernist auteur films. The story, about a couple of young, anti-Fascist fighters who are persecuted and killed by the Iron Guard [2] after being betrayed by one of their own, meets the requirements of socialist realism to a point.
      The film's style, however, takes on a life of ...

  • 周日晚上左右…… 日曜の夜ぐらいは…


    导演:新城毅彦   编剧:冈田惠和

    主演:清野菜名, 岸井雪乃, 生见爱瑠, 冈山天音, 和久井映见


  • 周日皇后 Sunday Beauty Queen


    导演:Baby Ruth Villarama   编剧:

    主演:Leo Selomenio, Rudelyn Acosta, Cherrie Mae Bretana, Mylyn Jacobo, Hazel Perdido, Cyril Goliava

      Beneath Hong Kong's glittering facade, Filipinas working as domestic helpers work in relative anonymity and for near slave wages. In a beauty pageant like no other in the world, five helpers give them...