
  • 古罗马的瑰宝 Treasures of Ancient Rome

    类型:纪录片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:BBC   编剧:BBC


      Alastair Sooke takes an in-depth look at the art of the Roman Empire.

  • 相约古罗马 Meet the Romans with Mary Beard


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Mary Beard

      Meet the Romans
      Professor Mary Beard looks beyond the stories of emperors, armies, guts and gore to meet the everyday people at the heart of Ancient Rome's vast empire We still live in the shadow of ancient Rome - a city at the heart of a vast empire that stretched from Scotland to Afghanistan, dominating the West for over 700 years. Professor Mary Beard puts aside the stories ...

  • 古罗马的贡献 What The Romans Did For Us


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Adam Hart-Davis

      《古罗马人》是BBC2的一个6 x 30的系列纪录片。Adam Hart-Davis 将和我们一同探讨古罗马人对于现在的生活的影响,从乳罩到桥,从排序法到餐桌上的刀叉,从混凝土结构到避孕套,古罗马人带给英国人的发明和创新改变了他们的建筑风格及生活的方式。在他们逗留的近400年间,他们建造了三十座城镇,留下了迷人的复杂的技术。
      Programme 1: 奢华的生活
      Programme 2: 入侵
      Programme 3: 城镇和乡村
      Programme 4: 帝国之动脉
      Programme 5: 帝国的优势
      Programme 6: 那个时代的高峰

  • 通往古罗马的路 On the Old Roman Road


    导演:Don Askarian   编剧:Don Askarian

    主演:Don Askarian, Sylvia Gelton, Pavel Khachatrian, Stepan Shahinyan, Piet van Dijk

      Levon remembers his childhood in Turkey: love, political brutality. A bloody comedy. Also a modern crime story about Armenian terrorists and Turkish secret agents, about Kurds tragedy.
      Askarian’s most recent project is another meditation on the artist in exile. Like the filmmaker Avetik and the real-life composer Komitas from his previous films, Levon - a writer of Armenian ext...

  • 古罗马的女王们 Mothers, Murderers and Mistresses: Empresses of Ancient Rome


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Catharine Edwards

      Exploring the role played by extraordinary women in creating, ruling and transforming the Roman Empire, whose influence was felt everywhere from the power struggles of court to the distant provinces.

  • 古代伟大工程巡礼:古罗马圆形竞技场 Ancient Megastructures: The Colosseum


    导演:   编剧:


      罗马斗兽场,亦译作罗马大角斗场、罗马竞技场、罗马圆形竞技场、科洛西姆、哥罗塞姆,原名弗莱文圆形剧场(Amphitheatrum Flavium),建于公元72至82年间,是古罗马文明的象征。遗址位于意大利首都罗马市中心,它在威尼斯广场的南面,古罗马市场附近。从外观上看,它呈正圆形;俯瞰时,它是椭圆形的。它的占地面积约2万平方米,大直径为188米,小直径为156米,圆周长527米,围墙高57米,这座庞大的建筑可以容纳近九万人数的观众。围墙共分四层,前三层均有柱式装饰,依次为多立克柱式、爱奥尼柱式、科林斯柱式,也就是上周在古代雅典看到的三种柱式。科洛西姆斗兽场以宏伟、独特的造型闻名于世。


    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Denis Rabaglia   编剧:

    主演:Francesco Mistichelli, Elena Cucci

  • Roma

    类型:剧情片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:阿方索·卡隆   编剧:阿方索·卡隆

    主演:拉丁·洛弗, 雅利扎·阿巴里西奥, 玛丽娜·德·塔维拉, 迭戈·科蒂娜·奥特里, 卡洛斯·佩拉尔塔, 科·格拉夫, 丹妮拉·德米萨, 南茜·加西亚, 维妮卡·加西亚, 安迪·科特斯, 费尔南多·格雷迪亚加


  • 类型:纪录片电影

    导演:   编剧:



  • Roma

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:米开朗基·安东尼奥尼   编剧:


      A short film created as part of the series “12 Directors for 12 Cities,” commissioned by the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment for the FIFA World Cup. This film will be screened in the Tribute to Michelangelo Antonioni II.