
  • 博学无术 Piled Higher and Deeper


    导演:Vahe Gabuchian   编剧:Jorge Cham

    主演:Raj Katti, Alexandra Lockwood

      Piled Higher and Deeper follows the lives of two graduate students as they learn to cope with life in grad school.

  • 博学无术2 Piled Higher and Deeper: Still in Grad School

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Iram Parveen Bilal   编剧:Jorge Cham

    主演:Alexandra Lockwood, Raj Katti, K. Zachary Abbott, Fawzia Mirza, Crystal Dilworth, Evans Boney, Tony Chu, Katie Condidorio, Barbera Howard

      The PHD Movie 2 looks at themes of competition in research, writer's block, and finding your voice. The Nameless Grad Student is now an integral part of Prof. Smith's Lab. However, the lab is in peril as research funding levels are at an all-time low. The group must travel to an important academic conference and square off against a rival group as they compete for results and g...

  • 吧,仁少年


    导演:西瓦·栓玛类固, 鲍天骄   编剧:

    主演:曹恩齐, 陈稳, 西瓦·詹隆库, 汤邵文, 胡浩帆, 诺帕努·甘塔柴, 萨曼莎·梅兰妮·蔻兹, 彩尼查·萍彤, Aomsin Waratchaya Noliam, 流宇·帕克浦姆·吉皮苏蒂里, 维拉帕特·托马尼纳特


  • 幻术大师:博学家的拇指 Jonathan Creek: The Clue of the Savant's Thumb


    导演:大卫·伦维克   编剧:David Renwick

    主演:Alan Davies, Sheridan Smith

      In The Clue of the Savant’s Thumb, Creek and fellow investigator Joey Ross (Sheridan Smith – Accused, Gavin & Stacey) are drawn into a complex case involving a secret society, seemingly supernatural events at a girls’ boarding school, and the miraculous disappearance of a body in front of three witnesses.   Alan Davies says: “The new story has more than the usual amount of twists and surprises, and I'm very much looking forward to sleuthing again. I can't wait to join Sheridan Smith on set again; we're very lucky to have her. It's nearly 17 years since I first auditioned for the part; the duffle coat is always on standby, even if the periods of duffle-hibernation are quite long these days”.

  • 神秘士的科 The Science of Doctor Who

    类型:科幻片电影, 纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:达拉斯·坎贝尔, 加来道雄, Chloe Dykstra

      Like all great science fiction shows, there are kernels of truth and nuggets of science fact scattered throughout the incredible “Doctor Who” universe. In this special, we are going to explore these dynamic “Doctor Who” moments where science fiction and science fact converge and mingle.

  • 物志 物誌

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:山村浩二   编剧:山村浩二



  • 类型:纪录片电影

    导演:唐睿   编剧:


      "A PhD Candidate" is a film about a Chinese PhD student living in America. He is sponsored by Chinese government. The government pays him some money every month for living expenses. In exchange he has to return to China right after graduation. After coming here, he found he still lives in a small circle of Chinese people isolated from the American society. His professor and pee...

  • 类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:周洋   编剧:

    主演:刘韬, 樊璟澄, 孙凌生, 王丹梦

      战国时代,鲁国高价收购齐国丝绸,使得齐国人人种桑,而短缺粮食,这就是史上著名的“种桑吴国”。而今经过千百年的现代社会,该计谋被用在了职场之上。某大型公司老板张总(康俊龙 饰),大病之后看破红尘,打算辞掉CEO职务。他的接手人选有两个:农民子女出身的部门总监小朗(刘韬 饰),以及出身名门的高富帅麦特(樊璟澄 饰)。老板交给二人一个案子,谁先拿下奥喜公司的案子谁就是下任CEO人选。偏偏麦特的家族与奥喜错综复杂,面对如此凶险的局势,小朗想起了种桑误国的典故……

  • 类型:纪录片电影

    导演:王清仁   编剧:


      Farmers rely on their land for survival. However, in China, those who rely on their land have n...

  • 类型:

    导演:卜万苍, 朱石麟, 张石川, 杨小仲, 马徐维邦, 岳枫, 徐欣夫, 王引, 方沛霖, 李萍倩, 张善琨   编剧:

    主演:周曼华, 刘琼, 关宏达, 舒适, 黄河, 龚秋霞, 李红, 袁美云, 徐立, 黄耐霜, 韩兰根, 王丹凤, 陈燕燕, 吕玉堃, 殷秀岑, 高占非, 杨志卿, 陆露明, 徐莘园, 顾兰君, 顾也鲁, 陈云裳, 童月娟, 李丽华
