
  • 拉 Tesla

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:米歇尔·阿米瑞亚德   编剧:米歇尔·阿米瑞亚德

    主演:丽贝卡·达扬, 约翰·帕拉迪诺, 文森·德·保罗, 汤姆·法雷尔, 罗伯·约翰·加拉格尔, Ian Lithgow, Janelle Feigley, Michael Mastro, 伊桑·霍克, 伊芙


  • ·安洛尼克 Titus Andronicus

    类型:剧情片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Jane Howell   编剧:威廉·莎士比亚

    主演:雷弗·皮科克, 艾琳·阿, 爱德华·哈德威克

      Having subdued the Goths, warrior Titus Andronicus returns to Rome to bury his sons, with Gothic Queen Tamora and her retinue as captives. The newly-dead Roman Emperor's two sons, Saturninus and Bassianus, are competing for their father's title. According to Roman custom, Titus sacrifices Tamora's eldest son to the Gods; having the deciding vote, he also chooses Saturninus as E...

  • 務捜査官ORDER2


    导演:西岡徳馬   编剧:

    主演:西岡徳馬, 神乃毬絵, 菊池万理絵江, 佐山サトル, 矢沢美樹, 原田大二郎, 西岡竜一朗


  • 姆桥 Storstrømsbroen

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶   编剧:卡尔·西奥多·德莱叶


  • 马丁·弗罗心生活 The Inner Life of Martin Frost

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:保罗·奥   编剧:保罗·奥斯特

    主演:大卫·休里, 伊莲娜·雅各布, 迈克尔·因佩里奥利, Sophie Auster

      what motivated me up to the new director's festival to catch 'martin frost' tonight was the brutal review that it got yesterday from the lead critic of the new york times, brutal dismissal, to be more accurate, 'the less said about (it) the better', she said, and i figured that any movie able to teach Ms Dargis the virtue of silence for even a few column inches would be worth t...

  • 爱的奥 愛的奧

    类型:爱情片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:安竹间   编剧:安竹间

    主演:宋伟恩, 傅孟柏, 项婕如, 黄礼丰, 葛盈瑄, 夏浦洋, 姜典, 姜予

    歡迎來到世界最大的購愛中心 - 愛

  • 堡1518 Strasbourg 1518

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 历史片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:乔纳森·格雷泽   编剧:乔纳森·格雷泽



  • 佩克·佩 Pecos Pest

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:Joseph Barbera, William Hanna   编剧:



  • 罗 Castro

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:阿列霍·莫吉兰   编剧:阿列霍·莫吉兰斯基

    主演:Edgardo Castro, Julia Martínez Rubio, Alberto Suárez

      Four characters are looking for a man called Castro, but we don't know why. For some mysterious reason, Castro is running. He has left his life behind, and survives by hiding in a room in a small city. He is basically alone, but someone has appeared in his life, Celia. She is young, beautiful, and sometimes cruel.

  • 靡菲 Mephisto

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:伊凡·萨博   编剧:伊斯特凡·萨博, Klaus Mann, Péter Dobai

    主演:克劳.马利亚.布朗道尔, 克蕾丝蒂娜.扬达, 罗尔夫.霍庇

      1982 奥卡最佳外国语影片: 匈牙利导演萨博