
  • 朱安党人! Chouans!

    类型:战争片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:菲利普·德·布罗卡   编剧:达尼埃尔·布朗热 Daniel Boulanger, 热罗姆·托内尔, 菲利普·德·布罗卡

    主演:索菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau, Philippe Noiret


  • 黑手党人 Mafioso

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:阿尔贝托·拉图瓦达   编剧:拉斐尔·阿斯科纳, 马可·费雷里

    主演:阿尔贝托·索尔迪, 诺尔玛·本格尔, Gabriella Conti, Ugo Attanasio, Cinzia Bruno

      米兰的汽车厂车间主任尼奥(Alberto Sordi 饰)准备利用半个月的假期回西西里老家度假,临行前,他的上司托他给西西里的黑手头目文森佐带一份礼品。

  • !老!老


    导演:平川雄一朗   编剧:牟田桂子

    主演:笹野高史, 本上まなみ, 小野寺昭, ミッキー・カーチス, 津川雅彦, 市毛良枝, 渡部篤郎


  • 党人魂 The Volga Boatman

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:塞西尔·B·戴米尔   编剧:伦诺尔 J. 科菲

    主演:威廉·博伊德, Elinor Fair, 罗伯特·艾德森

      In tsarist Russia, the Volga boatmen live hard lives, trudging along the water's edge as they pull heavy cargoes up and down the river. One day, as Prince Dimitri and his fiancée Princess Vera stop to have their fortunes told at a Tartar camp along the river, they encounter a group of boatmen who are taking a short rest. One of the boatmen, the spirited Feodor, provokes a hosti...

  • 共产党人刘少奇

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:嘉娜·沙哈提, 白云默, 张广峰   编剧:海波

    主演:, 冉星华, 许璟琨, 刘泽宇, 朱洪霖, 南凯, 高远, 何强, 周期, 夏天, 杜晓书, 乔涵, 陆玲, 欧崇阳, 陈芊桦, 张倬闻, 张琳, 马梓铭, 张明健, 马明宇, 吴盼, 魏子涵, 张哲,


  • 大学共和党人 College Republicans


    导演:詹姆斯·夏慕斯   编剧:Wes Jones

    主演:罗根·勒曼, 阿萨·巴特菲尔德, 克里斯汀·弗劳赛斯

      Based on true events. Aspiring politician Karl Rove runs a dirty campaign for national College Republican Chairman under the guidance of Lee Atwater, his campaign manager.

  • 여인파티


    导演:서윤모   编剧:서윤모

    主演:김진경, 안혜리, 전체보기

      e-ran, Ae-ra, and Hwa-suk are prostitutes. Due to her mother-in-law's protests, Se-ran's son is in Los Angeles. Ae-ra has her hymen sewed up again and dreams of a new life. Hwa-suk sells her body only so she can provide for her parents and siblings living in the country. Se-ran learns that her son, Se-hoon, is coming back to Korea. Ae-ra starts going out with a man named Do-shi...

  • 霍宛斯基党人之乱 Mussorgsky: Khovanshchina

    类型:剧情片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Brian Large   编剧:莫杰斯特·穆索尔斯基

    主演:Nicolai Ghiaurov, Vladimir Atlantov, Paata Burchuladze, Heinz Zednik, Joanna Borowska, Anatoli Kocherga, Yuri Marusin, Brigitte Poschner-Klebel, Ludmila Semtschuk

  • 十二月党人的事业 Дело Декабристов

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:   编剧:


      On the morning of 14 December 1825, members of Russia's top noble families assembled armed troops in Senate Square, St. Petersburg in an attempt to start a revolution against the Tsar. By nightfall, however, after unsuccessful negotiations and several rounds of artillery fire, it was all over. The organizers of the revolt, later called the Decembrists, were arrested and accused...

  • 类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:新藤兼   编剧:新藤兼人, 谷崎润一郎

    主演:小泽荣太郎, 岸田今日子, 乙羽信子, 木村功, 殿山泰司, 大木正司, 宇野重吉

      Everyone knows Kaneto Shindo from his horror classics 'Kuroneko' and 'Onibaba' and although they're both undoubtedly great films, I've been more impressed by his lesser-known works, like 'Wolf' and 'Human' and now, 'A Scoundrel,' which could be the greatest of the lot. Set in the war-torn 14th century, the film concerns the governor of a province whose chamberlain (the phenomen...