
  • 师 Ваш репетитор


    导演:Anton Kolomeets   编剧:Anton Kolomeets

    主演:娜塔莉娅·弗多维娜, Главные фильмы актера, Анастасия Куимова

      17岁的Savva正准备上大学。他的父母去度假,把准备入学考试的责任交给儿子。Savva在“Your Tutor”网站上找到了一位外国文学老师。

  • 弹旅长


    导演:谷锦云   编剧:张锐, 徐剑

    主演:陆剑民, 张延, 王斑, 储智博, 王强, 冯国庆


  • 盲犬 Guide Dog

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:比尔·普莱姆顿   编剧:比尔·普莱姆顿



  • 疯狂的


    导演:宋阳   编剧:冯丰, 刘骥

    主演:高天, 张殿伦, 刘桦, 徐帆, 王宝强, 焦恩俊, 金铭

      一个怀揣大梦想的无名小演(高天 饰),因为自己的电影梦拍摄了一部电影,但是拍摄途中出现了资金短缺,不得不暂停一切工作。

  • 课外辅 비밀과외


    导演:Mr. L   编剧:

    主演:조동혁, 연희, 윤상두

      It's not...something you should say...
      You always bring women home...
      Jeong-soo is far from getting his grades up after he breaks up with his girlfriend so his father gets him a tutor (Yoo-jin).
      Let's go to your room to study.
      Jeong-soo thinks Yoo-jin is just one of his father's many women and she approaches him with kindness.
      Ordinary love...like everyone else....
      Jeong-soo wa...

  • 有方 Discipline

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Christophe M. Saber   编剧:Christophe M. Saber

    主演:Adel Ahdy, Camille Figuereo, Nour Gayed

      It is 9:30pm in a grocery store in Lausanne, Switzerland. The place is run by Egyptians. In a moment of anger, a father looses patience and disciplines his disobedient child. A shocked customer immediately intervenes to express her concern. Other customers join the conversation, they each put in their two cents and the staff is swamped. This discussion turns into a debate, whic...

  • 购女郎 Shopgirl

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:安南德·图克尔   编剧:史蒂夫·马丁

    主演:克莱尔·丹尼斯, 史蒂夫·马丁, 詹森·舒瓦兹曼, 布里吉特·威尔逊, 山姆·伯顿斯

      米拉贝尔(克莱尔·丹尼斯 Claire Danes饰)是一个刚走出校门不久的姑娘,在一个百货商店里做购小姐。清纯未脱的她在众人当中显得如此特别,吸引了两个男人的心。

  • 演请指教


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:胡杏儿, 惠英红, 李诚儒, 孟子义, 牛骏峰, 潘斌龙, 齐溪, 荣梓杉, 涂们, 温峥嵘, 宁元元, 薛凯琪, 韩雪, 喻恩泰, 王文也, 杨千嬅, 王暘, 曾黎, 蔡康永, 张晚意, 毕志飞, 张雪迎, 郝蕾, 郑艺彬, 王晶, 朱志鑫, 方励, 陈祉希, 关锦鹏, 曾赠, 德格娜, 钱宁黄, 王一淳, 梁龙, 吴镇宇, 吴中天, 包贝尔, 相国强, 郭子凡, 黄明昊


  • 灵异航 네비게이션

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Jang Kwon-ho   编剧:

    主演:黄宝罗, Tak Tu-In, Kim Joon-ho

      One spring day when the autumn colors had filled, three members of the movie club suddenly decide to borrow a senior's car and take a trip to an isolated village in Mountain Nae-jang. Being the first trip there, they get lost a little and witness a terrible accident but picked up a navigation device nearby. The kind voice on the device leads them to there destination but they e...

  • 类型:纪录片电影

    导演:钱喻、刘硕勤   编剧:邓康延

    主演:蔡元培, 胡适, 张伯苓, 马相伯, 竺可桢, 梅贻琦, 晏阳初, 陶行知, 梁漱溟, 陈寅恪
