
  • 类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:刘一   编剧:朱金晨

    主演:范文芳, 李铭顺, 戚玉武, 姬, 卢洋洋, 希童


  • Hann

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Runar Þór Sigurbjörnsson   编剧:Runar Þór Sigurbjörnsson

    主演:Ásgeir Sigurðsson, Bryndís Ásmundsdóttir, David Gudbrandsson, Kristófer Baldur Sverrisson, Eiríkur Kúld Viktorsson, Albert Halldórsson, Ágúst Beinteinn Árnason

      Andri, an anxious teenage boy, hides and represses his sexuality in fear of his masculine father's reaction but, on the eve of Andri's first date, he finds a clever way to reveal his secret.

  • 斯克 Gdansk

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:尼尔·布洛姆坎普   编剧:


      Gdansk is the first in a series of medieval giants. Inspired by the artwork of Jakub Różalski.

  • 丁的地狱 "Omnibus" Dante's Inferno


    导演:肯·罗素   编剧:

    主演:奥列佛·里德, Pat Ashton, Derek Boshier, Caroline Coon

      Ken Russell movie about jealousy, and the complex and painful relationship between Rossetti and his sickly wife, Elizabeth. They are members of the upper-crust layer of society, bourgeois painters, poets and philosophers. Rossetti struggles with his own emotions for his wife, as she refuses his sexual advances before they marry, and, once they do marry, she is unable to bear hi...

  • 们的海 們的海


    导演:黄玮纳   编剧:


  • 还年轻 還年輕


    导演:林靖杰   编剧:



  • 丁四重奏 The Dante Quartet


    导演:斯坦·布拉哈格   编剧:


      “The hand-painted work six years in-the-making (37 in the studying of The Divine Comedy) demonstrates the earthly conditions of 'Hell', 'Purgatory' (or Transition), and 'Heaven' (or 'existence is song,' which is the closest I'd presume upon heaven from my experience), as well as the mainspring of/from 'Hell' (Hell Spit Flexion) in four parts." -S.B.

  • 们 Loro


    导演:保罗·索伦蒂诺   编剧:保罗·索伦蒂诺, 翁贝托·康塔罗

    主演:托尼·塞尔维洛, 艾莱娜·索菲亚·里奇, 里卡尔多·斯卡马奇奥, 卡夏·斯穆特尼亚克

    为求更上层楼,塞吉欧决定进入政坛,得先趋炎附势、再趁机窜出揽权,放眼政坛只有一人握有至高无上的权力,那正是掌握政权长达20年、私生活极其放荡的前总理贝卢斯科尼(托尼瑟维洛 饰)。

  • 州 Deseret


    导演:James Benning   编剧:

    主演:Fred Gardner

      James Benning took the founding of the New York Times in 1851 as a departure point for his latest film, Deseret. In the best Benning tradition, Deseret unfolds magnificent landscapes captured with a stationary camera during a dozen-odd trips throughout the calendar year - deserts, plains of snow, lonely trails, trees in bloom, cemeteries, ruins, unfriendly rocks, empty settlers...

  • 叫苏格

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:艾水水   编剧:艾水水

    主演:钟宇泽, 小依

      一次偶然中,个性叛逆的小琦(小依 饰)遇见了英俊帅气的吉手苏格(钟宇泽 饰),很快,苏格的桀骜不驯和与众不同很快就吸引了小琦,小琦决定不顾一切和苏格在一起。