
  • 黑白之间是彩色世界 All the Colours of the World Are Between Black and White

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:Babatunde Apalowo   编剧:Babatunde Apalowo

    主演:Tope Tedela, Riyo David, Martha Ehinome Orhiere, Uchechika Elumelu, Floyd Anekwe

      電影講述送貨司機 Bambino 和雄心勃勃的攝影師 Bawa 在刻下尼日利亞的故事。儘管同性戀在當地仍被視為非法,但兩人就是因為這種社會束縛與戀愛禁制的情況,在一起探索前首都拉各斯多姿多彩的種種人事之時,結下難以磨滅的深厚感情。電影描繪尼日利亞同性跨性戀人群的奮鬥和勇敢,強調了認識與包容的重要性,含蓄低調卻意韻深遠,令人心動,摘下柏林影展泰迪熊獎誠然實至名歸。
      榮獲2023柏林影展泰迪熊獎、榮獲2023三藩市同志影展 Out in the Silence Award獎。

  • 姐妹之间 Entre deux sœurs

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Anne-Sophie Gousset, Clément Céard   编剧:Anne-Sophie Gousset

    主演:Léa Charenton, Pauline Charenton, Timothée Céard, Armel Thomain, Véra Burkhardt, Manon Gauthron, Laurette Gauthron, Anaïs Magne

      In their world, two sisters make one. The older one gives the younger one a hand, and together they twirl through the playroom, zoom up and away on their bikes, or spin around on a swivel chair. Wherever they appear, the white pages of the animation are filled with contours and colour. When the younger one is able to move around without her big sister one day, it becomes clear ...

  • 朋友之间 Between Friends


    导演:卢·安东尼奥   编剧:Jonathan Estrin


  • 父子之间


    导演:舒林   编剧:


      This portrait of a Chinese family centers on the paterfamilias, who at the age of 85 still works his land by hand every day, his wife, who feeds and slaughters the chickens, and one of their sons, who lives in an apartment in the city and spends his days keeping company with his television and a steady flow of alcohol.
      Crisp black-and-white images capture faces, activities, rit...

  • 你我之间 Entre Nous


    导演:Jude Bauman   编剧:

    主演:Iris Jodorowsky, William Mesguich, Amandine Noworyta

      Elodie and Laetitia live in close love and dream of having a child. As Elodie discovers that she cannot get pregnant because of a health problem and encounters financial troubles, they decide to take a roommate.

  • 正邪之间 Shield for Murder

    类型:剧情, 犯罪, 黑色电影

    导演:霍华德·W·科克, Edmond O'Brien   编剧:理查德·艾伦·西蒙斯, 约翰·C. 希金斯

    主演:Edmond O'Brien

      A vicious cop kills a bookie's runner and steals $25,000 from the corpse. He then frames everyone in sight in order to keep to the money to buy a model home for his would-be lounge singer girlfriend. Written by Ed Lorusso (IMDb)

  • 家族之间何必这样 가족끼리 왜이래


    导演:全昌根   编剧:姜银庆

    主演:金贤珠, 金相庆, 孙淡妃, 朴炯植, 徐康俊, 尹博, 柳东根, 罗文姬, 南志铉

      车顺奉(柳东根 饰)的妻子很早就过世了,留下了三个孩子车康心(金贤珠 饰)、车江宰(尹博 饰)和车达峰(朴炯植 饰)。经历了数不清的艰苦岁月,车顺奉总算是把三个孩子给拉扯养大了,然而,随着时间的推移,车顺奉发现自己和孩子们之间的关系却越来越淡漠。

  • 唇齿之间 第一季 Lip Service Season 1

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:约翰·麦凯   编剧:Harriet Braun

    主演:露塔·格德米纳斯, 劳拉·弗雷泽

      BBC 3台新剧情剧《唇唇欲动》讲述了现代苏格兰社会里一群二十出头女同性恋的生活中的性,谎言和真爱。
      Laura Fraser,Ruta Gedmintas 和 Fiona Button 已被选为《Lip Service》中的3位女主角。该剧是BBC_3台一次大胆的创新,讲述了一群居住在今天的格拉斯哥的女同性恋的性生活和谈情说爱。
      该六集系列剧由Harriet Braun创作编写,已在十月于格拉斯哥开拍。

  • 爱情与友情之间

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:   编剧:

