
  • 里芬斯塔的苏梦 Ihr Traum von Afrika


    导演:Ray Müller   编剧:


      In 2000, Riefenstahl returned to East Africa to revisit the Nuba she photographed in the late 70s, whose pictures restarted her career. Of course, this was not as simple as it sounds in war-torn Sudan and might easily have been her last trip. Her helicopter crashed and she was briefly reported dead. This is the story of her voyage and what she found there. The film maker also t...

  • 之恋 The Night Train to Kathmandu

    类型:爱情片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Robert Wiemer   编剧:Ian Robert (I), Robert Wiemer



  • 杨音乐之旅 Neil Young Journeys


    导演:乔纳森·戴米   编剧:

    主演:Neil Young

      This past May, Neil Young brought his solo tour to Toronto’s Massey Hall, an iconic venue in the city of his birth.

  • 的奇迹 Das Wunder Von Bern

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:宋克·沃特曼   编剧:罗胡斯·哈恩, 宋克·沃特曼

    主演:路易斯·克拉姆罗特, 彼得·洛迈, 约翰娜·加斯多夫

    德国鲁区埃森,人们都聚在理查德·鲁班斯基(彼得·罗美 Peter Lohmeyer饰)经营的小酒馆里欣赏电视转播。店主理查德曾在苏联的战俘营被关押了11年,性格保守固执。

  • 卡之树 L' Arbre de Guernica

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:费南多·阿拉巴   编剧:费尔南多·阿拉巴尔

    主演:玛丽安杰拉·梅拉托, Ron Faber, 科西莫·奇涅里

      The Spanish Civil War, as experienced by the town of Villa Ramiro. The local count and his Fascist nephews ally with the rebels; the count's son, indifferent to politics at the outset, later makes a choice; the town's teacher, Antonio Garcia, a pacifist, tries not to take sides but to inspire the children with ideas; a beautiful eccentric woman, Vandale, brings leadership and s...

  • ·布伦南:心结 Neal Brennan: Blocks


    导演:Derek DelGaudio   编剧:Neal Brennan

    主演:Neal Brennan

      From the weird relationship humans have with dogs to how dating a model is like owning a dune buggy, Neal Brennan muses on his life in this stand-up special.

  • 琴的一生 Жизнь Солженицына

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Leonid Parfenov, Yurij Prokof'ev, Aleksej Pishhulin   编剧:


      Четырехсерийный фильм «Жизнь Солженицына» создан Телекомпанией НТВ к 80-летию великого писателя. Никогда прежде ни в России, ни за рубежом об Александре Солженицыне не снимался фильм-биография. Для этого фильма Александр Исаевич дал обширное интервью, а также предоставил личные видео- и фотоархивы.

  • 杰洛德·卡迈克:罗撒 Jerrod Carmichael: Rothaniel

    类型:喜剧片电影, 脱口秀片电影

    导演:   编剧:


      Features Jerrod Carmichael in a standup comedy show at the legendary Blue Note Jazz Club in New York City.

  • 对话索琴 Узел. Беседы с Солженицыным


    导演:亚历山大·索科洛夫   编剧:

    主演:亚历山大·索科洛夫, 亚历山大·索

      这幅两部分组成的,唤起回忆的SOLZHENITSYN的肖像,是导演ALEXANDER SOKUROV通过两段充足的,和SOLZHENITSYN与他的夫人的谈话。来解悟这位盛誉国际的作家的生命历程。

  • 哥布:旅行团 Cirque de Gavarni: Caravane


    导演:Lumière Brothers   编剧:
