
  • 最后阶 Final Stage

    类型:短片, 同性

    导演:尼可拉斯·施密特   编剧:尼可拉斯·施密特

    主演:Aaron Hilmer

      The present, the whole present and nothing but the present. A young man on a footbridge, a bus departs, his friend is gone. This is followed by a majestic parade through a shopping centre. This central shot in the film is a fragile balancing act between documentary observation and subtle direction.
      Deliberately asynchronous sound serves to heighten the sense that events are not...

  • 男孩阶 Garçons d'étage

    类型:伦理, 同性

    导演:让-丹尼尔·卡迪诺   编剧:让-丹尼尔·卡迪诺


      Après le succès de Garçons d'Etage, ce deuxième volume nous conte les nouvelles aventures de ces garçons d'étage sélectionnés selon des critères très précis, des pantalons moulants et élastiques permettent à leurs sexes de prendre une ampleur impressionnante avant qu'ils ne jaillissent pour de vigoureuses pénétrations. L'office, c'est la tanière où ils règnent en maîtres et où ...

  • 水墨动画片


    导演:   编剧:



  • 如何不被看见:一段该死的说教视频文件 How Not to be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:黑特·史德耶尔   编剧:


      Steyerl’s HOW NOT TO BE SEEN: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File is what its title purports it to be: a sly parody of an instructional video (the first part of the title borrowed from a Monty Python sketch). Each of the work’s four sections outlines some tongue-in-cheek strategies to avoid being seen—from hiding in plain sight, to shrinking down to a unit smaller than a p...

  • 火车三程 Tickets

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米, 肯·洛奇, 埃曼诺·奥尔米   编剧:埃曼诺·奥尔米, 阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米, 保罗·拉弗蒂

    主演:马丁·康普斯顿, 卡罗·德力·毕亚勒, 瓦莱丽亚·布鲁尼·泰德斯基, Silvana De Santis, 威廉·鲁尼

    Abbas Kiarostami /Paul Laverty /Ermanno Olmi

  • 终极手 Cutter's Way

    类型:剧情, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:伊凡·帕瑟   编剧:Jeffrey Alan Fiskin

    主演:杰夫·布里吉斯, 约翰·赫德, 丽莎·艾科恩

      Richard spots a man dumping a body, and decides to expose the man he thinks is the culprit with his friend Alex Cutter.

  • 13级台阶 13階


    导演:长泽雅彦   编剧:森下直, 高野和明(原作)

    主演:反町隆史, 田中丽奈


  • 必填字 Required Field


    导演:Todd Verow   编剧:Todd Verow

    主演:Brad Hallowell, Nathan Johnson, Todd Verow, Joe Wakeman, David J. White

      Serial killer 'NO1KNOWS' managed to elude the police for years. In fact they didn't even know he existed until, by chance, his video and audio recordings were found. By examining the recordings police were able to solve a number of murders around the world - although many men featured in the recordings were never found and it is unclear how many other victims there were since m...

  • 删减片 Deleted Scenes


    导演:托德·维罗   编剧:David Douglas, Jim Dwyer

    主演:Ivica Marc, Michael Vaccaro, 托德·维罗, Josh Ubaldi, J. Stephen Brantley, Brad Hallowell

      次偶然的相遇让两个男人联系到了起,观众们将从头到尾感受系列有关他们的小场景。 评论:这是独立制片人Todd Verow最好的(也是最性感的)作品之,紧张而零星的讲述了种复杂的关系。

  • 黄金时 Prime Time

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:雅库布·皮亚特克   编剧:Lukasz Czapski, 雅库布·皮亚特克

    主演:Marek Kasprzyk, Miron Jagniewski, Olga Milaszewska, Jan Nosal, 巴托斯·比莱尼亚, 马格达莱纳·珀拉斯佳, Andrzej Klak, 姆古尔扎塔·哈杰斯卡, Dobromir Dymecki, Monika Frajczyk, 塞萨里·科辛斯基, Adam Nawojczyk, 朱利叶斯·克尔扎斯托夫斯基, Pola Blasik, Michal Kaleta

      In 1999 Sebastian locks himself in a TV studio. He has two hostages, a gun, and an important message for the world.