
  • 一步都算数


    导演:   编剧:


      new balance 110 周年广告

  • 向大海更进一步 바다 쪽으로, 한 뼘 더


    导演:Choi Ji-yeong   编剧:Choi Ji-yeong

    主演:金艺丽, 朴智英


  • 最后一步 پله آخر


    导演:阿里·莫沙法   编剧:阿里·莫沙法

    主演:蕾拉·哈塔米, 阿里·莫沙法, 阿里·礼萨·阿哥克哈尼

      In director Ali Mosaffa’s psychological story, his wife in real life, Leila Hatami, pretty much plays herself – a beautiful and gifted Iranian film star. But the male focus of the story is the heroine´s recently deceased husband Koshrow, who becomes the somewhat unreliable narrator of a playful and delicately ironic story about a complicated but loving marital relationship.

  • 再向前一步 Un Paso Adelante

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情, 歌舞, 家庭

    导演:Jesús del Cerro, Juan Carlos Cueto   编剧:Daniel Écija, Ernesto Pozuelo

    主演:Alfonso Lara, Beatriz Luengo, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Mónica Cruz

      Un Paso Adelante (One step forward) is a Spanish version of American 1980’s TV series Fame. It was originally broadcast on Spanish channel Antena 3 from 2002 to 2005 . It has also been a huge success in Spanish-speaking countries (including Latin America), in Germany and in France.
      The show focuses on Lola, Pedro, Rober, Jero, Ingrid, Silvia and Marta as they work hard to make ...

  • 一步登天


    导演:覃绍林   编剧:吴悠, 王浩鉴, 张向楠, 石啸宇, 王盾, 唐品, 王金玉



  • 一步之遥

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 动作

    导演:姜文   编剧:姜文, 郭俊立, 王朔, 廖一梅, 述平, 顿河, 孙悦, 孙睿, 于勇敢

    主演:姜洪齐, 姜文, 葛优, 周韵, 舒淇, 文章, 王志文, 洪晃, 刘利年, 那英, 刘索拉, 牛犇

      北洋政府统治时期,盘踞上海的军阀武大帅之子武七(文章 饰)为洗刷耻辱,辗转找到了前清遗老马走日(姜文 饰)求助。在此之后,马走日和在法租界当警督的发小项飞田(葛优 饰)联手策划了名为“花域总统选举”的大型选美活动,和马从小就认识的现总统完颜英(舒淇 饰)成功卫冕。谁知就在繁华喧嚣的最顶点,命运之车竟急转直下驶向深渊。在一个平凡的早上,完颜陈尸郊野,张皇失措的马走日找到武七的姐姐武六(周韵 饰)及其母亲齐老师(洪晃 饰),希望通过大帅帮自己洗刷杀人犯的罪名,结果却盲打误撞救下了险些被整死的项飞田。背负杀人犯之名的马绝路逃亡,而武六则以该事件拍摄了名为《枪毙马走日》的电影,马的命运愈加扑朔迷离……

  • 一步登天 How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

    类型:喜剧, 歌舞

    导演:大卫·斯威夫特 David Swift   编剧:阿贝·伯罗斯, Jack Weinstock, Willie Gilbert, Shepherd Mead, 大卫·斯威夫特

    主演:罗伯特·莫斯, 米歇尔·李, 鲁迪·瓦利

      Armed with a "How to..." manual, an ambitious window washer seeks to climb the corporate ladder.

  • 一步 First Steps

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:Hans Burger   编剧:Al Wasserman


  • 只差一步

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:   编剧:朱沁萌


      中国传媒大学动画系 2015年 毕设

  • 一步 Le premier pas


    导演:Jonathan Comnène   编剧:Jonathan Comnène, Thomas Cailley

    主演:Julian Donica, Mélissa Ganem, Grigori Manoukov

      Twelve-year-old Sacha is a solo figure skater with a dedicated trainer: his father. But Sacha is in love and has only one thing on his mind: to dance on the ice with Rebecca.