
  • 复仇的情色故事 The Naughty Victorians: An Erotic Tale of a Maiden's Revenge


    导演:Robert Sickinger   编剧:Robert Sickinger

    主演:Susan Sloan, Beerbohn Tree, Angel Barrett, Jennifer Jordan, Heather Austin, Raymond Court-Thomas, John Bullough, 马克·斯蒂文, John Strusinski

      《The Naughty Victorians》改编自维多利亚的中篇小说《The Way of a Man With a Maid》

  • 电影人:部贯穿电影史的新公路影片 Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema


    导演:马克·卡曾斯   编剧:

    主演:蒂尔达·斯文顿, 阿卓艾·安多, 简·方达, 莎米拉·泰戈尔, 凯瑞·福克斯, 坦迪·牛顿, 德博拉·温格


  • 丽塔·莫雷诺:决定追逐梦想的孩 Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go for It


    导演:马里埃姆·佩雷斯·里埃拉   编剧:

    主演:葛洛丽亚·伊斯特芬, 摩根·弗里曼, 诺曼·利尔, Eva Longoria, Justina Machado, Karen Olivo

      Talented, energetic, and full of joy, Rita Moreno has been dazzling audiences for over 70 years. Whether showcased on television, film, or stage, her artistry transcends singing, dancing, and acting, as she continuously reinvents herself and pushes creative limits. Moreno is a pioneer and one of the most authentic performers of our time, and she has the EGOT status to prove it....

  • 和平主义者格特鲁德-沃克:被遗忘的英雄 Die Pazifistin - Gertrud Woker: Eine vergessene Heldin


    导演:Matthias Affolter, Fabian Chiquet   编剧:Matthias Affolter, Fabian Chiquet


      Getrud Woker, one of the first female professors in Europe, was an early feminist and pacifist, advocating for women's rights and against war. Yet her story was never included in historical accounts, despite the fact that she challenged the societal conventions of the day to oppose gender discrimination and immoral war practices. She was - as she continues to be today - a true ...

  • 1960年代末布鲁塞尔少的肖像 Tous les garçons et les filles de leur âge...: Portrait d'une jeune fille de la fin


    导演:香特尔·阿克曼   编剧:香特尔·阿克曼

    主演:Circé Lethem, 朱利安·拉萨姆, Joëlle Marlier, Cynthia Rodberg

      Like many French-language films I've seen, this one is more concerned with presenting a fairly realistic slice of life than with creating the standard story arc. The main character, Michele, spends the hour discussing her views of life with some old and new friends, and tries to understand her own feelings about her place in the world and her sexuality, while a camera follows a...

  • 星宠


    导演:徐克   编剧:徐克



  • 牧人的玩偶 Sennentuntschi


    导演:迈克尔·斯特内   编剧:史黛芬妮·亚普, 迈克尔·斯特内, Michael Sauter

    主演:Roxane Mesquida, Carlos Leal, Joel Basman, Nicholas Ofczarek


  • 假扮相亲 Blind Date

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Stanley Tucci   编剧:David Schechter, 斯坦利·图齐

    主演:Patricia Clarkson, Stanley Tucci


  • 午后的迷惘 Meshes of the Afternoon


    导演:梅雅·黛伦, 亚历山大·罕密德   编剧:梅雅·黛伦

    主演:梅雅·黛伦, 亚历山大·罕密德

      二十世纪最有影响力的实验电影之一。由Deren 本人和丈夫 Alexander Hammid出演剧中所有角色。这部女性主义的经典描述了一个女性的白日梦,在梦中日常生活物品都变得神秘而危险,电影转向对性与死的晦涩思考。