
  • 英国金属加工工艺全览 Metalworks!


    导演:Janice Hopper   编剧:

    主演:丹·克鲁克山, Copias Capwell

      Series looking at aspects of British metalworking over the centuries, including the art of the silversmith, the history of armour and the work of the blacksmith

  • 被禁止,被剥削和被列入黑名单:有争议的电影制作人莎恩·莱恩的地下工作 Banned, Exploited & Blacklisted: The Underground Work of Controversial

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 动作, 恐怖, 音乐, 犯罪

    导演:Karen Kopy, Jenn E. Morrison, Jeremy Williams, Emily Wryn, Jason Freeman, 肖恩·瑞恩   编剧:Michiko Jimenez, Kai Lanette, Scot Morrison, 肖恩·瑞恩, Jeremy Williams

    主演:凯登·克劳丝, 劳伦妮·兰登, 乔·艾斯特维兹, 乔安娜·安琪儿, 瑞安·尼科尔森, 格里高利·畑中, Regan Reece, Demi Baumann, Anthony Spadaccini, 肖恩·瑞恩, 凯文·盖奇, Kathryn Eastwood, 白灵, 莉亚·玛瑞·约翰逊, Kai Lanette, 托米·韦素, Kaliya Skye, 乔纳·希尔, 明迪·罗宾逊, Teona Dolnikova, 兰迪·库卓

      A collection of Ryan's work including short films, music videos, trailers/clips from both released feature films and uncompleted features, concept trailers, behind-the-scenes footage,...

  • 烟火 Fireworks

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:PES   编剧:亚当·派瑟帕恩


  • 露西·沃斯利与都铎女王的烟花盛典 Lucy Worsley's Fireworks for a Tudor Queen


    导演:Sid Bennett   编剧:

    主演:露西·沃斯利, Zoe Laughlin

      《露西·沃斯利与都铎女王的烟花盛典 Lucy Worsley's Fireworks for a Tudor Queen》主题是复刻都铎时期伊丽莎白女王宴会上的烟花盛典;历史背景是莱斯特伯爵(罗伯特·达德利)为了向女王求婚,而尝试的为期三周的烟花盛宴。

      Historian Lucy Worsley teams up with artist and materials scientist Zoe Laughlin to explore the explosive science and fascinating history of fireworks, using an original pyrotechnics instruction manual, and other 400-year-old historical documents, to recreate one of the most spectacular fireworks displays from the Tudor era.
      Lucy and Zoe are joined by a team of top class pyrotechnicians to replicate a mind-blowing fireworks display especially designed for Queen Elizabeth I - one of the first documented firework displays in England. Lucy pieces together clues from some of the earliest instruction manuals for making fireworks in England, as well as eyewitness accounts of the display laid on in 1575. Armed with this information, the team apply their understanding of cutting-edge pyrotechnics to recreate it in the grounds of Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, where it was originally staged.
      Using hands-on experiments to test their designs, the team construct Tudor rockets, firework fountains and a fire-breathing dragon, as well as discovering the secrets of Elizabethan gunpowder.
      Throughout the show, Lucy explores the history of the three-week extravaganza laid on by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, in his final attempt to win the queen's hand in marriage - from the elaborate food the Tudor audience would have eaten, to the colours that the set might have been painted in.
      She also reveals the important role fireworks had during the Tudor era - from the firework effects used on stage at the Globe Theatre to the pyrotechnical experimentation that took place at the Tower of London, the MI5 of its day.
      But not all the clues can be found in England - some of the fireworks described need to be tracked down further afield. Lucy travels to Italy to recreate the mysterious Girandola - a horizontal spinning wheel of fire - whilst Zoe flies to South Korea to witness the ancient, and rather terrifying, rocket box launcher in action.
      The danger and technical challenges involved in recreating 400-year-old fireworks creates a real sense of scale and event. And the detective work needed to decipher these Tudor pyrotechnic manuals, and the engineering ingenuity to recreate them, form the narrative spine of the film, culminating in a spectacular recreation of Elizabeth I's mind-blowing firework display at Kenilworth Castle.

  • 黄蜂网络 Wasp Network


    导演:奥利维耶·阿萨亚斯   编剧:奥利维耶·阿萨亚斯

    主演:安娜·德·阿玛斯, 佩内洛普·克鲁兹, 阿德里娅·阿霍纳, 埃德加·拉米雷兹, 瓦格纳·马拉, 盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔, Michael Vitovich, Steve Howard, Stephen W. Tenner, 莱昂纳多·斯巴拉格利亚

      20 世纪 90 年代初期,古巴飞行员瑞尼·贡萨雷斯(埃德加·拉米雷兹饰)叛逃到美国并开始了全新的自由生活,将他的妻子(佩内洛普·克鲁兹饰)和年幼的女儿留在了共产主义的祖国。但瑞尼并不只是一个简单的美国奋斗者新贵。他加入了南佛罗里达州的“黄蜂网络”。这个组织由一群古巴流放者组成,秘密特工曼努埃尔·韦拉蒙特斯(别名杰拉尔多·埃尔南德斯,盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔饰演)领导。他成为亲卡斯特罗间谍圈的成员,负责监视和渗透古巴裔美国恐怖组织,这些组织企图攻击古巴这个社会主义共和国。
      《黄蜂网络》根据“古巴五人组”(包括贡萨雷斯在内的情报官,于 1998 年 9 月在佛罗里达州被捕,随后因从事间谍活动和其他非法活动而被定罪)的真实故事改编,这是一部扣人心弦、风格独特的政治惊悚片,暗含多重深意,汇集了一群古巴国民和古巴裔美国流亡者,他们卷入了一场复杂而微妙的意识形态之...

  • 电视台风云 Network


    导演:西德尼·吕美特   编剧:帕迪·查耶夫斯基

    主演:费·唐纳薇, 威廉·霍尔登, 彼得·芬奇, 罗伯特·杜瓦尔, 尼德·巴蒂, 比阿特丽斯·斯特雷特

      妻子的死给电视台王牌主播霍华德(彼得·芬奇 Peter Finch 饰)带来了沉重的打击,使他陷入痛苦和悲伤中无法自拔。电视台决定解雇已经无心工作的霍华德,霍华德的老朋友麦克斯(威廉·霍尔登 William Holden 饰)成为了传达这一噩耗的不二人选。得知自己即将被 解雇,为电视台做牛做马多年的霍华德十分愤怒,在第二天的节目上,他竟然向观众们预告,自己即将进行自杀直播。
      霍华德的这一出格举动惹恼了电视台的高层,更让一直对麦克斯心存不满的总裁弗兰克(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰)发现了找茬的机会。在隔天的新闻直播中,霍华德理应按计划对自己的不慎言行做出道歉,可是恼羞成怒的他却大放厥词,将矛头直指当代美国的种种弊端。女制片人戴安娜(费·唐纳薇 Faye Dunaway 饰)从霍华德的一系列行为中看出了商机,她买通了弗兰克,成为了霍华...

  • 梦工厂动画明星惊魂夜特辑 Dreamworks Spooky Stories

    类型:喜剧, 动画

    导演:   编剧:


      怪兽大战外星人:外太空变异南瓜monsters vs aliens: mutant pumpkins from outer space (00:21:03)
      大战外星人monsters vs aliens: night of the living carrots (00:11:31)
      史瑞克的万圣游戏 scared shrekless (00:21:01)
      shrek’s thriller (00:05:06)
      shrek: the ghost of lord farquaad (00:12:33)
      the pig who cried wolf (00:05:30)

  • 蜡像 Waxwork

    类型:喜剧, 恐怖, 奇幻

    导演:安东尼·希科克斯   编剧:安东尼·希科克斯

    主演:扎克·加利根, Jennifer Bassey, 乔·贝克


  • 功夫熊猫:大秘密 Dreamworks Kung Fu Panda Awesome Secrets

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 动作, 动画, 武侠

    导演:   编剧:



  • 三女一体 Patchwork

    类型:喜剧, 恐怖

    导演:Tyler MacIntyre   编剧:Tyler MacIntyre, Chris Lee Hill

    主演:Tory Stolper, 特蕾西·法尔维, Maria Blasucci

      A bombastic throw-back horror-comedy that follows three young women who go out partying one night and find themselves Frankensteined together in one body. Now they must put aside their differences so they can find who did this and exact revenge!