
  • 云上华尔兹 Cloud Waltzing


    导演:戈登·弗莱明   编剧:John Bryden Rodgers, Tory Cates

    主演:凯瑟琳·贝勒, 法郎考斯艾瑞克金德伦, 保罗·马克斯韦尔

      Journalist Meredith Tolliver (Kathleen Beller) is sent to do a story on wealthy wine vineyard owner Francois De Paul (Francois-Eric Gendron). Francois is a mysterious, gentle man who never talks about his personal life and seems to be hiding a secret. Meredith is a woman determined to get a story on him like no one has ever written-including an in-depth story on his personal li...