
  • 诺曼人 The Normans

    类型:纪录片, 历史

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Robert Bartlett

      In this major series, Professor Robert Bartlett examines the extraordinary expansion and unchecked ambition of the Normans, and shows how they transformed the history of Europe.

  • 雷劈脸 Lightningface

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 科幻, 惊悚, 短片, 奇幻

    导演:布莱恩·佩索斯   编剧:布莱恩·佩索斯

    主演:奥斯卡·伊萨克, 克里斯汀·韦格, 爱瑞卡·兰金, Tim Rock, Julie Petsos

      An origin story, of sorts--LIGHTNINGFACE stars Oscar Isaac as Basil Stitt, who in the aftermath of an inexplicable incident, decides to sequester himself inside his apartment, setting the stage for a profound transformation.

  • 零一 Others 假面骑士灭亡迅雷 ゼロワン Others 仮面ライダー滅亡迅雷


    导演:笕昌也   编剧:高桥悠也, 石森章太郎

    主演:中川大辅, 山口大地, 中山咲月, 砂川脩弥

      Zaia Enterprise CEO Lyon Arkland seeks to weaponize all Humagears by transforming them into his mechanical soldiers known as "Soldos". For the sake of Humagear free will, will not allow this to

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