
  • 休战 Truce (Hudna)


    导演:Saleh Khataybeh   编剧:Saleh Khataybeh

    主演:Hassan Alhwetat, Is'haq Elias

      Two men, a car, and a donkey in a life or death situation near the Jordan-Syria border. The power of destiny gathers two strangers, a car, and a donkey in the middle of the Jordan desert. The two men are totally from different worlds.

  • 机动战士高达SEED DESTINY 特别版3:命运的业火 機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY スペシャルエディション 運命の業火


    导演:福田己津央   编剧:两泽千晶

    主演:浪川大辅, 楠大典, 大川透, 根谷美智子, 望月健一, 高桥裕吾, 今村直树, 西村知道, 麻生智久, 上别府仁资, 置鲇龙太郎, 早水理沙, 丰口惠美, 西松和彦, 高桥广树, 杉田智和, 折笠富美子, 山田美穗, 野岛健儿, 矢部雅史, 千叶一伸, 中博史, 鸟海胜美, 河合义雄, 中岛聪彦, 池田秀一, 笹沼晃, 小田久史, 铃村健一, 石田彰, 保志总一朗, 进藤尚美, 田中理惠, 关俊彦, 坂本真绫, 子安武人, 桑岛法子, 诹访部顺一, 小山茉美, 堀秀行, 千叶进步, 三石琴乃, 西前忠久


  • 对荒谬死亡的恐慌 Panic to a Ridiculous Death


    导演:Rubin Stein   编剧:


      Tom is obsessed by ridiculous deaths. A tragic piece of news will mark the beginning of a strange travel through fear, love and destiny.

  • 来自异乡的女人 Noble

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Stephen Bradley   编剧:Stephen Bradley

    主演:迪尔德丽·奥卡尼, 莎拉·格林, Gloria Cramer Curtis

      Christina Noble overcomes the harsh difficulties of her childhood in Ireland to discover her destiny on the streets of Saigon. A true story.

  • 张开手腕 Stringimi forte i polsi


    导演:Walter Martyn Cabell   编剧:

    主演:tinto brass, Erika Savastani, Antonio Zequila

      The flesh is weak.
      Even for those who deny it.
      When you least expect it,
      a tiny opportunity is enough
      to expose the undeniable truth.
      Seeing is believing.

  • 翘课去法国 The Little Bunch

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:米歇尔·德维尔   编剧:吉尔斯·佩劳特

    主演:罗宾·瑞努奇, Alain Rimoux, Henri Viscogliosi

      Seven British school children run away from home and stow away on a ferryboat to France, where after being chased by police and driving a psychologist crazy, they wreak havoc on Bedouins, Bavarians, and a tiny Gallic circus.

  • 命中注定 Love Songs Love Series ตอน พรหมลิขิต


    导演:   编剧:


      Eve, a girl who believe in destiny must be made of a documentary on the life of Tham athlete handsome who does not believe in the destiny. What will happen when both of them must orbit meet.

  • 黎明之墙 ฟ้ากั้นแดน

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 同性片电影, 历史片电影, 古装片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:塔纳桑·蒙布阿蛮, Tan Anugoon Mokchai

      If the relationship between different classes turns from love to conflict, how will they deal with this destiny?

  • 冷气礼堂的喧哗: 比尔·奥雷利 vs. 囧司徒 The Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium: O'Reilly vs. Stewart 2012


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:乔恩·斯图尔特, 比尔·奥雷利, E.D. Hill

      囧司徒和右派名嘴Bill O'Reilly将于10月6日在首都的乔治华盛顿大学进行90分钟电视辩论。这一总统辩论般的盛事被取名为"冷气礼堂的喧哗"。直播的一半收入将捐给慈善组织。O'Reilly在节目中吐槽道"Stewart and I will debate man-to-man, eye-to-eye. Well, not really. He's a tiny guy."[HuffPost]

  • 触及天空--乔戈里峰之旅 K2. Dotknac nieba

    类型:纪录片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:Eliza Kubarska   编剧:Eliza Kubarska


      The children of acclaimed alpinists who lost their lives on K2, are taken on an expedition to the Himalayan mountains to face their parents' fatal destiny.