
  • 小赤佬 The Bastard

    类型:喜剧片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Garth Smiley   编剧:Garth Smiley

    主演:Rob Avery, Pamela Canter, Loren Delk, Edward Haynes Jr., Jacob Huiet, Garth Smiley, Matt Stewart, Dana Williams, Nicole C. Williams

      A dangerous new street drug, is causing homicidal lunacy, on the streets of Rotwood.

  • 肖泰尔公司 Chotard et Cie


    导演:让·雷诺阿   编剧:


      François Chotard , wholesale grocer , gives his daughter in marriage to Julien Collinet , a writer who prefers dreaming to working - a situation conducive to quarrels between the son and the father- in-law. Until the day when Julien receives the Prix Goncourt, prestigious literary award . Chotard has a sudden change of heart.

  • 横滨夜店蓝调梦 キャバレー


    导演:角川春树   编剧:栗本薫(原作), 田中阳造

    主演:野村宏伸, 鹿贺丈史, 倍赏美津子, 药师丸博子, 原田知世, 渡边典子


  • 侯门一入深似海 La Pièce rapportée


    导演:安托南·佩里提亚可   编剧:安托南·佩里提亚可, Noëlle Renaude

    主演:若西安·巴拉斯科, 阿娜伊斯·德穆斯蒂埃, 塞尔希·洛佩斯, 威廉·勒布吉欧, 菲烈·卡特林

      Paul Château Têtard, 48, falls in love with a young woman working as a counter clerk in the subway. When he plans to marry her, his mother launches a private detective on her tracks to prove she's cheating on her son.

  • Silent Bloodnight

    类型:恐怖片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Stefan Peczelt,, Elmar Weihsmann   编剧:

    主演:Monica Baci.

      Three teenagers, who sexually abused a mentally retarded girl, are being stalked and brutally murdered by an unknown serial killer seeking vengeance......

  • 真心话大冒险 Truth or Dare


    导演:Jessica Cameron   编剧:Jessica Cameron, Jonathan Scott Higgins

    主演:德瓦尼·平, 布兰登·范弗利特, Jessica Cameron, Ryan Kiser, Heather Dorff, Shelby Stehlin, Jesse Wilson, Buz Wallick, Grae Drake

      Six college kids find internet stardom when they make "Truth or Dare" videos with a violent twist. It is all fun and games until their number one fan decides he wants to play by his own rules.

  • 大卫·鲍伊:罕见的和未见的 David Bowie: Rare and Unseen


    导演:Paul Clark   编剧:

    主演:大卫·鲍伊, 约翰·兰迪斯, Janet Street-Porter, 朱利安·邓波

      Most famous for his alter-ego, the ostentatious, androgynous "Ziggy Stardust" during the glam-rock era of the early 1970s, Bowie has continually reinvented his music his image.

  • 边缘 A Margem

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Ozualdo Ribeiro Candeias   编剧:

    主演:Mário Benvenutti, Valeria Vidal, Bentinho

      At the riverside of Rio Tiete, in São Paulo, prostitutes, a pimp, a retarded man, a handicap, people in the margin of the society live their ordinary hopeless lives without any expectation and waiting to die and join themselves in the boat of hell.

  • 临终 I väntan på döden


    导演:Lars Vega, Isabelle Björklund   编剧:


      A man arrives at the hospital to see his father on his deathbed. He would like to have a last good time with him, but the father worries above all about knowing what to do with two jars of mustard that have been started.

  • 鸥鸟落亡于海港 Meeuwen sterven in de haven


    导演:Rik Kuypers, Ivo Michiels, Roland Verhavert   编剧:Roland Verhavert, Ivo Michiels, Rik Kuypers

