
  • 七侠三雄 Stagecoach


    导演:戈登·道格拉斯   编剧:达德利·尼柯尔斯, 欧内斯特·海科克斯, 约瑟夫·兰登

    主演:安-玛格丽特, 莱德·巴顿斯


  • 凯塔!说书人的遗产 Keita! L'héritage du griot

    类型:剧情片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:丹尼·库亚特   编剧:丹尼·库亚特

    主演:Seydou Boro, Hamed Dicko, Abdoulaye Komboudri

  • 人质们 Hostages


    导演:列佐·吉吉涅什维利   编剧:Lasha Bugadze, 列佐·吉吉涅什维利

    主演:阿福坦迪尔·马哈拉泽, 伊拉克利·柯维利卡泽, 蒂娜婷·达拉齐施维利, 梅拉布·尼尼泽, Darejan Kharshiladze


  • 珍妮·斯蕾特:怯场 Jenny Slate: Stage Fright


    导演:吉莉安·罗伯斯比尔   编剧:珍妮·斯蕾特


      喜剧明星兼演员珍妮·斯蕾特的第一部 Netflix 原创喜剧特辑《怯场》让观众得以一窥这位喜剧演员的内心世界。在这令人捧腹的单口喜剧节目中,穿插着珍妮童年的个人片段和对其家人的采访,近距离审视了她的人生。本特辑于 10 月 22 日面向全球上线,珍妮将讲述自己参加午夜天主教弥撒的经历,以及童年时家里闹鬼的故事;经历了这些也就不怯场了。

  • 银幕和舞台上的英国传奇:克里斯托弗·李 "British Legends of Stage and Screen": Christopher Lee (TV)


    导演:   编剧:


      Christopher Lee discusses some of the performances that have defined his career, including his roles in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars, The Man with the Golden Gun and the Hammer studio's Dracula films. He also explains why he believes his linguistic abilities and aristocratic background have contributed to his success.

  • 舞台剧理查德三世的幕后故事 Now: In the Wings on a World Stage


    导演:Jeremy Whelehan   编剧:

    主演:凯文·史派西, Maureen Anderman, Stephen Lee Anderson, 萨姆·门德斯

      Kevin Spacey, Sam Mendes and the Bridge Project Company go on the road in NOW: in the Wings on a World Stage. In over 200 performances, and across 3 continents, Kevin and the troupe reveal some of the most intimate moments behind the scenes of their staging of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy, “Richard III.” Their story and experiences weave around, and reflect on, excerpts from t...

  • 冬宫纪行 Hermitage Revealed


    导演:Margy Kinmonth   编剧:Margy Kinmonth

    主演:汤姆·康蒂, Margy Kinmonth

      以生动生活人类背后的故事世界最大艺术收藏 250 周年,2014。圣彼得堡的国家冬宫博物馆是世界上最大、访问量最大的博物馆之一,在令人惊叹的建筑环境中拥有 300万多件珍宝和世界级杰作。为了庆祝 2014年成立 250 周年,玛吉 · 金蒙的电影揭示了塑造冬宫从故宫到国家博物馆 250 年旅程的非凡故事。

  • 舞台和银幕上的英国传奇:德里克·雅各比 "British Legends of Stage and Screen":Derek Jacobi (TV)


    导演:Anthony Fabian   编剧:


      Derek Jacobi discusses the roles that have defined his career, including playing Laertes opposite Peter O'Toole's Hamlet at London's National Theatre and starring in the BBC's acclaimed 1976 drama I, Claudius. He also recalls his portrayals of historical figures including Alan Turing, Francis Bacon and Adolf Hitler, and shares lessons he has learned from his decades in the ente...

  • 杀手乐队:未编排现场 The Killers: Unstaged


    导演:沃纳·赫尔佐格   编剧:

    主演:The Killers


  • 《基督最后的诱惑》幕后纪录片 Location Production Footage: The Last Temptation of Christ

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Martin Scorsese   编剧:

    主演:Willem Dafoe, Andre Gregory, Harvey Keitel