
  • 非常嫌疑犯 The Usual Suspects

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:布莱恩·辛格   编剧:克里斯托弗·麦奎里

    主演:卡尔·布瑞斯勒, 菲力浦·西蒙, 杰克·希勒, 克里斯汀·艾斯布鲁克, 史蒂芬·鲍德温, 加布里埃尔·伯恩, 本尼西奥·德尔·托罗, 凯文·波拉克, 凯文·史派西, 查兹·帕尔明特瑞, 皮特·波斯尔思韦特, 苏茜·爱米斯, 吉安卡罗·埃斯波西托, 丹·哈达亚, 保罗·巴特尔

      美国加州的圣佩雷罗港一艘货轮爆炸,死亡27人,9000万美元失踪。事故发生以后,联邦调查局探员白基奇在医院等待昏迷不醒的幸存者;海关特派员大卫(查兹•帕明特里 饰)则对另外一名拿到特赦令的幸存者金特(凯文•史派西 饰)进行了审问。
      金特供认,在事故中丧生的基顿(加布里埃尔•伯恩 饰)、法特(本尼西奥•德托罗 饰)、麦曼诺(斯蒂芬•鲍尔文 饰)和杜学尼(凯文•波拉克 饰),以及他本人,六个月前被警察局作为卡车抢劫案的疑犯带到警局过了一夜,五人因此结成了一个犯罪团伙,狼狈为奸,狠捞了好几笔。好景不长,某天,律师小林(皮特•波斯尔思韦特 饰)找到他们,让他们替神秘头目凯撒•苏尔烧掉货轮上的毒品。法特第一个退出,随即遭到杀害,剩下四人不得不接受了这个任务。在货轮上,麦曼诺、法特、基顿都没有找到毒品,也因此相继被凯撒杀害,船也被炸毁,金特因为留在岸上接应而侥幸...

  • 不寻常嫌犯 The Unusual Suspects

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:娜塔莉·贝利, Melvin Montalban   编剧:Jessica Redenbach, Roger Monk, Vonne Patiag

    主演:米兰达·奥图, Aina Dumlao, Michelle Vergara Moore, 皮特·奥布莱恩, 托比·莱昂纳德·摩尔, 马特丹, Heather Mitchell, 瑞妮·林, 苏茜·波特

      澳大利亚SBS的犯罪喜剧《不寻常嫌犯 The Unusual Suspects》已在悉尼开拍,2021年播出。

  • 嫌犯 第四季 Suspects Season 4

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:约翰·哈德威克   编剧:Darren Fairhurst

    主演:戴米恩·莫隆尼, 克莱尔-霍普·阿什蒂, 菲·雷普利, 克里斯蒂安·布拉辛顿

      Ken Baxter stages a roof-top protest over his missing soldier son Pete whilst Pete's mistress Sophie is the victim of a hit and run incident. Pete's friend Eddie is a primer suspect as is Sophie's husband Ricky whilst Sophie's friend Caitlin also has something to hide. Ricky is arrested for the hit and run but when Ken is also killed Martha and her team must look elsewhere for ...

  • 嫌犯 第一季 Suspects Season 1


    导演:约翰·哈德威克   编剧:Darren Fairhurst, Steve Hughes, Paul Marquess

    主演:戴米恩·莫隆尼, 菲·雷普利, 克莱尔-霍普·阿什蒂, 卢克·纽伯里


  • 嫌犯 第二季 Suspects Season 2

    类型:剧情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Craig Pickles   编剧:Kathrine Smith

    主演:戴米恩·莫隆尼, 克莱尔-霍普·阿什蒂, 菲·雷普利, Fraser Ayres, Kishore Bhatt, Charlie Brooks, 凯蒂·贾维斯, 卢克·纽伯里, 多米尼克·鲍尔

  • 嫌犯 第三季 Suspects Season 3


    导演:Craig Pickles   编剧:Steve Hughes

    主演:戴米恩·莫隆尼, 克莱尔-霍普·阿什蒂, 菲·雷普利

      Art teacher Abigail Lincoln is found dead at the sixth form college where she worked by handy-man Harry Webster, a man with a conviction for violence, who had recently been sacked for harassing Abigail for being a Lesbian. At the same time Charlie learns that Abigail was about to report the principal, Rory O'Hanlon, for having an affair with student Melissa Parker whilst Rory's...

  • 危险枕边人 Dear Murderer

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:Arthur Crabtree   编剧:

    主演:格瑞塔·基恩特, 埃里克·波特曼, 丹尼斯·普莱斯

      When successful business man Lee Warren suspects his wife is having an affair, he sets out find her lover, kill him, and make it look like suicide. Complications set in, when he finds out she has another lover as well, so Lee has to change his plans.

  • 镜前一吻 The Kiss Before the Mirror

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影

    导演:James Whale   编剧:

    主演:Nancy Carroll, Frank Morgan, Gloria Stuart

      When a famous doctor kills his adulterous wife, he is defended by his best friend, an attorney--who suspects that his own wife is having an affair.

  • 分手感恩节 Turkey Drop


    导演:杰里·西科里蒂   编剧:Tiffany Paulsen

    主演:奥利维亚·霍尔特, 切瑞·海恩斯, 本-莱文, 大卫·休莱特, 凯伦·克里奇, 泰勒·佩雷斯, Darren Eisnor, 乔埃尔·法罗, Lee Marshall, Reha Sandill

      Lucy Jacobs is a small-town girl who has started her freshman year at a big-city university. When Lucy returns home for Thanksgiving break, she suspects she is about to get turkey dropped: dumped by her high school sweetheart.

  • 了无痕迹 Sin huellas

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Paco Caballero   编剧:Sara Antuña, Carlos de Pando, Héctor Beltrán Gimeno, Gabriel Ochoa

    主演:卡罗琳娜·尤斯特, Silvia Alonso, Camila Sodi, 雷昂那多·奥提兹格尔斯, Borja Luna, Pavel Anton, Álex Gadea

      Two socially marginalized women end up as suspects of a murder whose crime scene they had just cleaned up.

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