
  • Unconscious London Strata


    导演:斯坦·布拉哈格   编剧:


  • 幽灵地层 Ghost Strata

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:本·里弗斯   编剧:


      In the opening sequence, a girl reads the director’s Tarot cards that will name the subject of his film: “your relationship with time”. But what else? There are only two pitfalls to guard against when keeping a personal diary, either written or filmed: narcissistic complacency – “the strange conviction that one can observe oneself and that one must know oneself” (Blanchot) – an...

  • 绳上人 Man on a Tightrope


    导演:伊利亚·卡赞   编剧:尼尔·佩特森, 罗伯特·E·舍伍德

    主演:格洛丽亚·格雷厄姆, 弗雷德里克·马奇, 泰瑞·摩尔, 卡梅隆·米切尔, 阿道夫·门吉欧, 罗伯特·比提, 亚历山大·达西, 理查德·布恩, 保罗·哈特曼, 约翰·德纳

      Czech circus owner-Clown and his entire troupe employ a daring stratagem in order to escape en masse from behind the iron curtain.