
  • 是谁来敲门 Foglyok

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:克里斯托弗·迪克   编剧:András Vörös

    主演:Eliza Sodró, 索菲娅·绍莫希, Ernõ Fekete, 列文特·莫尔纳, Ádám Porogi, Ferenc Köles, Anna Györgyi, Miklós Béres

      When Fuchs starts his new job as a teacher in a prison school, replacing the old and unconventional teacher Berger against her will, he is forced to confront his biggest fear, triggered by the mysterious, withdrawn inmate Samira.

  • 大姐大刑警 すけばん刑事 ダーティ・マリー

    类型:动作片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:长谷部安春   编剧:长谷部安春

    主演:梢瞳, 坂本长利, 宫下顺子, 相川圭子, 山科友里, 向山裕, 吉井亜樹子, 吉野爱

      The entering of Hitomi Kozue (wearing startling yellow glasses) on the crime scene is very callahan-esque. And so the ending… it’s a downbeat movie, very misurated with no concession to the cat-and-mouse spectacle. A pretty cool film.

  • 弯刀杀向太空 Machete Kills in Space


    导演:罗伯特·罗德里格兹   编剧:罗伯特·罗德里格兹


      Voz flees to outer space after attempting to start a nuclear war on Earth and there is only one man who the President can trust to take Voz down: Machete.

  • Les victimes de l'alcoolisme


    导演:费迪南·齐卡   编剧:费迪南·齐卡, Émile Zola


      A happy family is brought to ruin when the father starts drinking.

  • 神秘博士2011年圣诞特别篇前传 Prequel to the Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe


    导演:   编剧:


      Written by Steven Moffat and starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, this exciting Prequel shows what was happening to the Time Lord moments before the explosive start of the Christmas Special!

  • 公园男孩:脏话网 Swearnet: The Movie


    导演:Warren P. Sonoda, 罗布·韦尔斯   编剧:麦克·史密斯, 罗布·韦尔斯, 约翰·保罗·特伦布莱

    主演:Robb Wells, 麦克·史密斯, Patrick Roach, 汤姆·格林, 斯科特·汤普森, Ann Pirvu, 约翰·保罗·特伦布莱

      Fed up with being censored in their post-Trailer Park Boys lives, the out of work stars/world-renowned 'swearists', Mike Smith, Robb Wells and John Paul Tremblay decide to start their own uncensored network on the internet.

  • 网络直播 Webcast

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:保罗·麦克吉   编剧:保罗·麦克吉, 克里斯·肖

    主演:Rob Taylor, Nicole Griggs, Tito Adamou, Barbara Jenner, 萨曼莎·雷德福, 约瑟夫·特雷曼, 尼科拉·赖特, Angela Plater, Georgie Cracknell Wright, Christopher Tajah, Clifford Allison, Julian Lamoral-Roberts, Kiki Kendrick, Denise Orita, Ruby Padwick

      When two young filmmakers suspect their neighbours are involved with the abduction of a teenage girl, they begin to run surveillance on them, and that's when things start to go wrong.

  • 邪恶信件 Wicked Little Letters


    导演:西娅·夏罗克   编剧:Jonny Sweet

    主演:奥利维娅·科尔曼, 杰西·巴克利

      When people in Littlehampton start receiving scandalous and obscene letters, suspicion immediately falls on fiery Rose, who might lose the custody of her daughter. A group of women set out to solve the mystery.

  • 外界噪音 Outside Noise


    导演:泰德·芬特   编剧:泰德·芬特, Mia Sellmann, Daniela Zahlner

    主演:Daniela Zahlner, Mia Sellmann, Natascha Manthe, Genevieve Havemeyer-King, Hani Alaraj, Manu Bäuerle, Katharina Maria Grabner, 泰德·芬特, Stefanie Zingl

      Daniela is unsure about what to do next and where to live. Mia is finishing a master’s degree that she spontaneously started. Along with Natascha, another friend thinking of moving to Vienna, they wander around and talk. An insomniac’s hang-out film.

  • 情人最爱 The Governess

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:桑德拉·戈尔德拜彻   编剧:桑德拉·戈尔德拜彻

    主演:Minnie Driver, Tom Wilkinson, Harriet Walter, Jonathan Rhys Meyers

      When the father of privileged Rosina da Silva violently dies, she decides to pass herself off as a gentile and finds employment with a family in faraway Scotland. Soon she and the family father, Charles, start a passionate secret affair.