
  • 凯瑟琳·科恩:颜值即正义 Catherine Cohen: The Twist...? She's Gorgeous

    类型:喜剧片电影, 脱口秀片电影

    导演:史蒂文·布里尔   编剧:

    主演:Catherine Cohen

      A sparkling cocktail of standup and song about looking for love, the absurdity of marathons and burying someone alive.

  • 电影是… 1-6 Film ist. 1-6


    导演:古斯塔夫·德池   编剧:


      Film ist. consist. almost.entirely of excerpts from various scientific films. This footage shows the flight of pigeons, intelligence test.performed on apes, upside-down worlds and st.reoscopic vision, hurricanes and effect of shock waves. How glass breaks, how small children walk and a Mercedes crashing into a brick wall in slow motion.

  • 鲁邦三世特别公映版 ルパン三世 1st. TVシリーズ

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 动画片电影, 犯罪片电影, 西部片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:高畑勋, 宫崎骏   编剧:加藤一彦

    主演:山田康雄, 小林清志, 二阶堂有希子, 纳谷悟朗


  • 失落的葛饰北斋 ロスト北斎


    导演:冈内秀明   编剧:



  • 残缺不全 T11 Incomplete


    导演:Suzanne Guacci   编剧:Suzanne Guacci

    主演:克里斯汀·雷顿, 扎克瑞·布斯, 凯伦·西拉斯, Katy Sullivan, Yvonne Jung, Gregory M. Brown, Lauren Russell

      A visiting home health aide and recovering alcoholic, st.ives to rebuild her broken life, only to have it fall apart once again when she falls in love with her young, paraplegic patient then betrays her trust.

  • 党的考验 A vizsga


    导演:Péter Bergendy   编剧:Norbert Köbli

    主演:Zsolt Nagy, 亚诺什·库尔考, 彼得·谢赖尔

      1957, Budapest. A young defense officer's loyalty is test.d by his mentor in a highly deceptive spy game.

  • 三个小神探之骷髅岛的秘密 The Three Investigators and the Secret of Skeleton Island

    类型:悬疑片电影, 家庭片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:弗洛里安·巴克斯梅尔   编剧:Robert Arthur, 大卫·霍华德

    主演:钱斯勒·米勒, 尼克·普莱斯, 卡梅隆·莫纳汉

      Three kid detectives go on an epic journey to eerie Skeleton Island. Once home to pirates, it's now plagued by a myst.rious beast.

  • 核家庭 Familia Nuclear


    导演:Erin Wilkerson, 特拉维斯·威尔克森   编剧:

    主演:特拉维斯·威尔克森, Erin Wilkerson, Matilda Wilkerson, Dalton Wilkerson, Adva Wilkerson

      An American family takes an apocalyptic road trip the US West. Seize the land by gun. Turn the land into a gun. Point the gun at everybody’s head.

  • 电影电影 Movie Movie

    类型:喜剧片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:斯坦利·多南   编剧:拉里·吉尔巴特, 谢尔登·凯勒

    主演:乔治·C·斯科特, 翠施·范·德沃尔, 芭芭拉·哈里斯, 莱德·巴顿斯, 阿特·卡尼, 埃里·瓦拉赫

      Three movie genres of the 1930s, boxing films, WWI aviation dramas, and Broadway musicals, are satirized using the same cast.

  • 交换 Changeover

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Mehdi Abeygi   编剧:Mehdi Abeygi


      ‘Changeover’ is a colourful and perfectly poised animation, and also one of the sweetest. Within a single shot of the corner of a badminton pitch, Iranian director Mehdi Alibeygi serves up a deceptively simple comic tale of mist.ken identity.