
  • 受害者/嫌疑人 Victim/Suspect


    导演:Nancy Schwartzman   编剧:


      In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it.
      Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused...

  • 尤其是在礼拜日 La domenica specialmente


    导演:弗朗切斯科·博里尼, 朱塞佩·贝托鲁奇, 朱塞佩·托纳多雷, 马可·图利奥·吉奥达纳   编剧:托尼诺·格拉

    主演:布鲁诺·冈茨, 切瑞拉·凯瑟莉, 尼可莱塔·布拉斯基, 帕特丽夏·阿奎特, 让·雨果·安格拉德


  • 摩斯探长 第四季 Inspector Morse Season 4

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:约翰·马登   编剧:柯林·德克斯特, 阿尔玛·库伦

    主演:Irene Richard, 乔治·科斯蒂安, Denys Hawthorne, Sydnee Blake, 柯林·德克斯特, 约翰·肖, 凯文·沃特利, 杰弗里·帕尔默, 大卫·尼尔, 芭芭拉·雷吉-亨特, 皮尔斯·奎格利, 迈克尔·阿特威尔, 谢丽尔·坎贝尔, John Joyce, 伊恩·布林布尔, 汤姆·威尔金森

      Morse finds himself the subject of a murder investigation when his friend, Beryl Newsome, is murdered at a rehearsal of the Magic Flute and he foolishly touches the murder weapon. Morse is suspended and DCI Bottomley, with DS Lewis assisting him, is put in charge of the case. Morse feels that he was set-up and looks to his past to see who, among the many criminals he arrested, ...

  • 摩斯探长:绝对嫌疑 Inspector Morse: Absolute Conviction

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:安东尼娅·博德   编剧:约翰·布朗

    主演:约翰·肖, 凯文·沃特利, 肖恩·宾, 斯蒂文·麦金托什, 吉姆·布劳德本特, 菲尔·戴维斯, 乔纳森·佛斯

      Lawrence Cryer is a fraudster serving a sentence in a minimum security prison.The initial cause of death was thought to be a heart attack but the autopsy reveals he was struck down. Cryer was one of three businessmen who had defrauded millions from would be investors. His fellow fraudsters, Alex Bailey and Brian Thornton, are serving their sentences in the same prison. Cryer's ...

  • 超级机器人大战OG·the inspector スーパーロボット大戦OG -ジ・インスペクター-

    类型:科幻片电影, 动画片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:大張正己   编剧:

    主演:森川智之, 冬马由美, 子安武人

      《超级机器人大战·原创世纪》的背景是新西历,人类正式开始进出宇宙2世纪,但因为2次大型陨石的坠下,人们的生活还是维持在21世纪初。到了新西历179年,第3颗陨石“流星3(メテオ3)”坠落于南太平洋的マーケサズ群岛海面。地球连邦政府经过调查,发现是由人类未知的技术制造的物体,这种地球以外的技术被称为EOT(Extra over technology)。地球连邦政府组成了“EOT特别审议会”和“EOTI机关”进行调查。然后EOTI机关的代表比安博士发表了研究结果,表示地球有被宇宙以外的生命体侵略的危机。从此,人型机动兵器:Personal Trooper的研究开始了。
      原作:SR Produce ...

  • 逃亡记 The Inspector

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:菲利普·邓恩   编剧:扬·德哈尔托赫, 纳尔逊·吉丁

    主演:Stephen Boyd

  • 摩斯探长:智天使与炽天使 Inspector Morse: Cherubim & Seraphim

    类型:悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:丹尼·博伊尔   编剧:朱利安·米契

    主演:约翰·肖, 凯文·沃特利, 夏洛特·查顿, 安娜·钱斯勒, 詹森·艾萨克

      Personal tragedy strikes as Morse's niece, Marilyn Garrett, commits suicide. Morse was very fond of her and had hopes that she would accomplish many of the things he had not done in his life. While Morse is away on personal leave, Lewis is studying for his inspector's exams and is temporarily assigned to Chief Inspector Holroyd, a by-the-book type of officer. They investigate t...

  • 糊涂大侦探 Inspector Clouseau

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:巴德·约金   编剧:布莱克·爱德华兹, 弗兰克·瓦尔德曼, 汤姆·瓦尔德曼

    主演:艾伦·阿金, 弗兰克·芬莱, 巴里·福斯特, 德丽娅·布卡尔铎


  • 非关正义特别篇:密码破解 アンフェア the special コード・ブレーキング〜暗号解読


    导演:植田泰史   编剧:佐藤嗣麻子

    主演:筱原凉子, 永山瑛太, 江口洋介, 奥田达士, 大仓孝二


  • 主要嫌疑犯1:致命代价 Prime Suspect

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Christopher Menaul   编剧:琳达·拉·普兰特

    主演:Helen Mirren, Tom Bell, John Benfield

      D.C.I. Jane Tennison is a skilled, top-class detective, battling to prove herself in a male world. While investigating a murder, her strength of character and skills as a detective are put to the test as she exposes a cover-up within the force. And when a second murder victim is discovered, the inquiry turns into a grisly investigation stretching back over ten years.