
  • 印加革命 Looking for Revolution


    导演:Rodrigo Vazquez   编剧:

    主演:Rodrigo Nehme, 纳奥米·克莱恩, 埃沃·莫拉莱斯

      是阿根廷男导演Rodrigo Vazquez(罗地哥?范斯盖兹)执导的纪录片,企图寻找当年切·格瓦拉留下的「革命之火」。
      切格瓦拉为了推动南美洲的革命,死在玻利维亚,40年後 Evo Morales(莫拉雷斯)成为该国第一位原住民血统的民选总统,莫拉雷斯矢言完成切的革命梦想,他可以做得到吗?除了莫拉雷斯,导演也跟拍原为工会领袖的女议员,她在官僚体系和理想中挣扎,希望带给住在贫民窟的人们一丝希望。
      导演Rodrigo Vazquez来自阿根廷,花数年跟拍莫拉雷斯、他的跟随者、富有的地主、以及赤贫阶层的人们,企图寻找当初切葛瓦拉留下的革命之火。 Vazquez 拍摄多部纪录片,皆与中南美洲政治现况有关,包括探讨智利恐怖主义的『Condor: Axis of Evil』(2003),曾於坎城影展首映。

  • 光荣革命 Glorious Revolution


    导演:Masha Novikova   编剧:


      In 2014 at the height of the Ukrainian revolution, a mother loses her son who is killed while protesting

  • 文艺复兴 Renaissance Revolution


    导演:兰德尔·赖特   编剧:马休·柯林斯


      The new series on Renaissance painting, written and presented by Matthew Collings, begins with an artistic investigation into one of the most radiant and beautiful images in all of art history, The Madonna of the Meadow, painted in 1505 by Raphael.
      Renaissance art has become part of the 21st-century heritage industry but when Raphael was alive, it was a startling new form of vi...

  • 俄国革命 The Russian Revolution


    导演:Cal Seville   编剧:Cal Seville

    主演:Jonathan Kydd, 列宁, Helen Rappaport, Donald Rayfield

      Beginning in 1881 this short yet comprehensive documentary tracks the downfall of the Romanov dynasty and the evolution of Lenin's Ulyanov family, from the terroristic acts and subsequent hanging of his brother to his own hunger for a revolution.

  • 秘密计划 Secret Project Revolution

    类型:短片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:麦当娜, Steven Klein   编剧:麦当娜 Madonna


  • 革命在我 I Am the Revolution

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Benedetta Argentieri   编剧:Benedetta Argentieri

    主演:Rojda Felat, Selay Ghaffar, Yanar Mohammed

      The inspiring story of three women risking their lives to incite political, activist, and armed uprisings in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq.

  • 操作系统革命 Revolution OS


    导演:J.T.S. Moore   编剧:

    主演:Richard M. Stallman, Linus Torvalds

      REVOLUTION OS中记录了Linux的创建人Linus Torvalds以及Richard Stallman, Bruce Perens, Eric Raymond...

  • 革命之子 Children of the Revolution


    导演:Shane O'Sullivan   编剧:

    主演:乌尔丽克·迈因霍夫, Fusako Shigenobu, May Shigenobu, 足立正生, Kyoko Ohtani, Jutta Lack-Strecker, Bassam Abu Sharif

      CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION tells the stories of Ulrike Meinhof and Fusako Shigenobu - two women who

  • 真・恋姫†無双 LIVE Revolution


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:小林真纪, 西泽广香, 本井英美, 黑河奈美, 雨宫侑布, 后藤麻衣, 鳴海エリカ

  • 革命一代 The Revolution Generation


    导演:Joshua Tickell, Rebecca Harrell   编剧:Joshua Tickell, Rebecca Harrell

    主演:科宾·布鲁, 米歇尔·罗德里格兹, Michelle Rodriguez, 谢琳·伍德蕾

    The Revolution Generation shows why, given present circumstances, this generation may be arriving on