
  • 圣地 第二季 Egypt: Sacred Sites of the World Season 2


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Karim Elidrissi

      Of all the ancient civilizations, Egypt has left the greatest legacy. Its monuments all evoke one indisputable truth: Early Egyptians were obsessed with death and the afterlife. On papyrus rolls and tomb walls, they recorded spells to help the deceased pass all the tests and creatures they would encounter in the underworld. These recordings were known as the Book of the Dead. B...

  • 教子有方 第三季 Outnumbered Season 3


    导演:安迪·汉密尔顿, 盖·简金   编剧:盖·简金, 安迪·汉密尔顿

    主演:休·丹尼斯, 克莱尔·斯金纳, 泰戈尔· 德鲁-哈尼

      The third Series has been filmed and started on Thursday 8 April 2010 at 9:30pm – 10:00pm on BBC One.[7][8] Series 3 introduces Pete's mother Sandra, who has a gambling problem, in the first two episodes. Another new recurring character throughout the series is Kelly (Anna Skellern), a young woman who lives nearby on whom Jake has a crush. Auntie Angela also returns for one epi...

  • 圣乐 第一季 Sacred Music Season 1


    导演:Andy Robbins   编剧:


      著名演员和唱诗班指挥Simon Russel带领观众们走进繁荣的西方圣乐。(文:life_is_good@YDY)
      Renowned actor and former chorister Simon Russell Beale explored the flowering of Western sacred music in this four part documentary series for BBC FOUR.

  • 德.莫图依斯 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" De Mortuis

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:Robert Stevens   编剧:Francis M. Cockrell, John Collier

    主演:Robert Emhardt, Cara Williams

      Clarence Rankin's promiscuous wife Irene cheats on him constantly. Sadly, he knows nothing about it. One day, two of Clarence's friends stop by his house. They see him filling a large hole in his basement with cement. Since they don't see Irene, they believe that Clarence has found out about her cheating and killed her. Instead of going to the police, they talk to Clarence. The...

  • 犬友笑传 第二季 Wilfred Season 2

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:Randall Einhorn   编剧:Jason Gann, Adam Zwar, Tony Rogers

    主演:伊利亚·伍德, 杰森 江恩, 菲奥娜·嘉伯曼, 罗宾·威廉姆斯, 艾莉森·麦克, 克里斯·克莱因, 斯蒂文·韦伯, 罗伯·里格尔, 黛安·罗宾

      其他人看到的Wilfred meijubar.net是一条普通的宠物狗,然而Ryan眼里的Wilfred是一个粗鲁但真诚、勇敢的澳洲小伙子,他总穿着一件有狗耳朵的毛绒戏服。Ryan的世界是严重混乱的,Wilfred用自己方式教会他如何克服对外界的恐惧,融入正常人的生活,同时保有最纯真的那个Ryan。这个过程会有艰辛,也会有各种意外的惊喜喔。

  • 副本 第一季 Altered Carbon Season 1

    类型:剧情, 科幻, 惊悚

    导演:乌塔·布里兹维茨, 彼得·霍尔, 尼克·赫伦, 安迪·戈达德, 艾利克斯·格雷夫斯, 米格尔·萨普什尼克   编剧:史蒂夫·布莱克曼, 布莱恩·尼尔森, 莱塔·卡罗格里迪斯, 理查德·摩根

    主演:海莉·洛, 扎夫·帕鲁, 艾丽嘉·奥特雷恩, 塔玛拉·泰勒, 亚当·布斯奇, 莱昂内尔·玛丽, 迪辰·拉克曼, 丽莎·钱德勒, 奥托·艾森度, 乔尔·金纳曼, 詹姆斯·鲍弗, 玛莎·希加瑞达, 克里斯·康纳, 芮妮·戈兹贝里, 安东尼奥·马尔齐亚莱, 克里斯汀·莱曼, 神奈川宏幸, 瓦利德·祖伊特, 玛琳娜·福特, 文峰, 蒂奇·格兰特, 李威尹

      改编自理查德·K·摩根所著的经典赛博朋克风格黑色小说,以 300 多年后的未来为背景,讲述了一个集合谋杀、爱、性和背叛的精彩故事。彼时社会已被一种新技术改变:意识可被数字化、人的身体可以互换、死亡不再是永恒的。武科瓦奇所在的精英星际战士队伍在反对世界新秩序的起义中败北,他成为了其中唯一幸存的士兵。武科瓦奇的大脑在寒冰中封存了数个世纪,直到后来超长寿富豪劳伦斯·班克罗夫特为他提供了一次重生的机会。作为交换,武科瓦奇必须调查一桩谋杀案,解开班克罗夫特本人被杀的谜团。

  • 主修未定 Undeclared


    导演:贾德·阿帕图   编剧:

    主演:杰伊·巴鲁切尔, 查理·汉纳姆, 塞斯·罗根, Timm Sharp, 卡拉·盖洛, 莫尼卡·凯娜, 卢顿·万恩怀特三世


  • 警长索恩:胆小鬼 Thorne: Scaredy Cat

    类型:剧情, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:Benjamin Ross   编剧:Dudi Appleton

    主演:Malcolm Davies, Helen Elizabeth, O·T·法格本, 艾丹·吉伦, 里奥·格雷高里, 哈里·贾维斯, Javed Khan, 埃迪·马森, 乔·阿布索隆, Jaleh Alp, Freddie


  • 峰回路转 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Crooked Road

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:保罗·亨雷德   编剧:William Fay, Alex Gaby

    主演:Richard Kiley, Patricia Breslin, 沃尔特·马修

      Harry Adams and his wife are driving cross-country through a rural Deep South town when a local speed trap ensnares the young couple. The corrupt redneck police officer, Chandler, arrests them and attempts to extort money from them. The more sophisticated and civilized vacationers from the Big Apple protest their innocence. But the worse they protest, the more the charges, cost...

  • 缩水老婆 The Incredible Shrinking Woman

    类型:喜剧, 科幻, 奇幻

    导演:Joel Schumacher   编剧:Richard Matheson, Jane Wagner

    主演:莉莉·汤姆林, 查尔斯·格罗丁, 尼德·巴蒂

      After being exposed to a bizarre mixture of household chemicals, Pat Kramer begins to shrink. This baffles scientists, makes parenting difficult, warms the hearts of Americans, and captures the attention of a group of people who want to take over the world. This evil group plots to kidnap Pat and perform experiments on her so that they can eventually shrink everyone.