
  • The Inside

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Eoin Macken   编剧:Eoin Macken

    主演:Karl Argue, Kellie Blaise, Siobhan Cullen

      A group of girls are terrorized by violent vagrants before succumbing to a horrific supernatural evil.

  • 南方工厂区域 South Mill District

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:James Meredith   编剧:James Meredith

    主演:James Meredith, Cidney Meredith, Toby Johansen

      Ten years have passed since the alien war, and now the line between human and alien is blurred. The film follows two vagrants who were once subjects of a dangerous experiment involving the assimilation of alien and human DNA.

  • 新大陆 Nybyggarna

    类型:剧情片电影, 西部片电影

    导演:扬·特洛尔   编剧:扬·特洛尔, Bengt Forslund

    主演:马克斯·冯·叙多夫, 丽芙·乌曼, 埃迪·阿克斯贝里

      本片是导演扬•特洛尔1971年的名作《大移民》的续篇,两部电影均改编自Vilhelm Moberg的The Emigrants系列小说。本片取材此系列的后两部小说,The Settlers 和The Last Letter Home,讲述一批瑞典移民在19世纪中期的明尼苏达州建造家园的故事

  • 雅娜的朋友 החברים של יאנה

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Arik Kaplun   编剧:

    主演:Evelyn Kaplun, Nir Levy, Shmil Ben Ari

      Three parallel strories of immigrants in Tel Aviv during the Gulf War and about coming together while sealed in a room during the Scud attacks.

  • 药啦! DROGA!


    导演:Miko Revereza   编剧:


      DROGA! is a Super 8 tourist film about the LA landscape through the lens of Filipino immigrants. The film closely examines cultural identity by documenting the intersections of American pop culture and Filipino traditions.

  • 非凡餐厅 第一季 Remarkable Places to Eat Season 1


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Fred Sirieix

      Leading UK chefs guide host Fred Sirieix around their chosen city to experience three restaurants where they genuinely love to eat and explore what goes into making them so special.

  • 第七日 On the Seventh Day


    导演:吉姆·麦凯   编剧:吉姆·麦凯

    主演:Donal Brophy

      A group of undocumented Mexican immigrants work long hours six days a week, and then savor their day of rest on Sundays on the soccer fields of Brooklyn.

  • 不请自入 Derelicts


    导演:Brett Glassberg   编剧:Andre Evrenos, Brett Glassberg, Clay Shirley

    主演:Dalton Allen, Emily Ammon, Les Best

      A strained suburban family's Thanksgiving is disrupted by a gang of vicious vagrants.

  • Three Stars


    导演:Lutz Hachmeister   编剧:Lutz Hachmeister

    主演:Yannick Alléno, Elena Arzak, Juan María Arzak

      The feature doc takes a look behind the scenes at top-class restaurants and offers exclusive interviews with celebrity chefs from France, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, the USA and Japan.

  • 上海:大屠杀避风港 Harbor from the Holocaust


    导演:Violet Du Feng   编剧:Lynne Squilla


      Shanghai's complex association with Jewish immigrants, focusing on its welcoming of Jews fleeing Nazi persecution during World War II.