
  • 这就是结局 This is the End

    类型:爱情片电影, 纪录片电影

    导演:文森特·丢特   编剧:文森特·丢特

    主演:Dino Koutsolioutsos, 文森特·丢特, 让-马克·巴尔, Nelson Bourrec Carter, 杰弗里·凯里, Darrell Davis, Laurie Karp, Keja-Ho Kramer, 埃琳娜·勒文松, 凯特·莫兰, 伊瓦·特吕弗特

      Road trips through Los Angeles, famous verses in the Poetry Lounge and love in times of the pandemic: Rendezvous with an old flame, fourty years later. After Jaurès (2012), Vincent Dieutre presents another tender autofictional piece in the Forum.

  • 大不列颠:伟大的伊丽莎白之旅 Britannia: The Great Elizabethan Journey


    导演:Michael Waterhouse   编剧:

    主演:Nicholas Crane

      Nicholas Crane rediscovers the 'lost' masterpiece Britannia on an epic 5000 mile hike battling the elements in search of Elizabethan Britain.

  • 自动点唱机 Juke Box

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:朗·瑞克   编剧:朗·瑞克


      Street life, it’s the only life I know. In this uptempo party piece, xerox, paint and found-sound montage in with Curtis Mayfield, moving on up into fragmented experience.

  • 血亲疑云 The Kindred


    导演:Jamie Patterson   编剧:Christian J. Hearn

    主演:帕特里克·博金, 詹姆斯·科兹莫, 萨曼莎·邦德

      A woman suffering from amnesia pieces together the events that led to her father's suicide, only to be haunted by the ghosts of children that she begins to suspect were murdered by him.

  • 正义黎明:联合世界最佳拍档 Dawn of Justice: Uniting the World's Finest

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Geoff Johns, Zack Snyder

      This piece contains clips from Wonder Woman. It also catalogs other future members of the Justice League who have cameos in BvS (Aquaman, Cyborg and the Flash.)

  • One More Time For The Camera

    类型:恐怖片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Nate Coulombe   编剧:

    主演:Blake Anthony Tibbetts, Joseph Cash, Kreg Gilson

      While investigating a grisly crime scene, two detectives find a video camera. Hoping that the camera's footage will help to put the pieces of the crime together, they decide to watch it. What they find is more shocking than anyone could imagine!

  • 对荒谬死亡的恐慌 Panic to a Ridiculous Death


    导演:Rubin Stein   编剧:


      Tom is obsessed by ridiculous deaths. A tragic piece of news will mark the beginning of a strange travel through fear, love and destiny.

  • 留恋温存 Warmish


    导演:Braxie Jacobson   编剧:


      Warmish and the warm era are definitely over but Ellie and Parker will always be in my heart and I'm so thankful to be able to share this piece of art with the world.

  • Katy Perry:2015超级碗中场秀幕后制作 Katy Perry: Making of the Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:John Hirsch   编剧:

    主演:Katy Perry

      A behind-the-scenes documentary pieced together from over 100 hours of footage showing not just the preparation that went into Katy Perry's Super Bowl performance but the nerve it took to pull off such a massive, career-defining performance.

  • 侠影之谜:数字蝙蝠侠 Digital Batman

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:   编剧:


      This short piece with visual effects supervisor Paul Franklin. He shows us a concept clip that contrasts Bale as Batman with a digital Dark Knight.