
  • 人生急转弯 The Swerve


    导演:迪安·卡普萨利斯   编剧:迪安·卡普萨利斯

    主演:阿祖拉·斯凯, Bryce Pinkham, 阿什丽·贝尔, Zach Rand, Taen Phillips

      The dark secrets of Holly's seemingly perfect life are exposed, when an unwanted intruder spins her life out of control forever.

  • 登陆 landing up


    导演:Daniel Tenenbaum   编剧:

    主演:本·拉普帕波特, Stacey Maltin

      When a young woman finds herself living life on the streets she learns the art of picking up men to put a roof over her head. But when she meets the guy of her dreams her secret threatens to ruin their perfect relationship.

  • 动迁蓝调 Dislocation Blues


    导演:Sky Hopinka   编剧:


      An incomplete and imperfect portrait of reflections from Standing Rock.

  • 恐怖小煞星 The Paper Boy

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:道格拉斯·杰克逊   编剧:David E. Peckinpah

    主演:亚历姗卓拉·保罗, Marc Marut, Brigid Tierney, 威廉姆·卡特, 弗兰西斯·贝, 克里丝塔·埃里克森, 贝瑞·弗莱特曼

      A homicidal twelve-year-old paperboy becomes obsessed with a woman and her daughter next-door, and he'll do anything to make his fantasy of the "perfect family" come alive.

  • 圣诞树之恋 Under the Christmas Tree

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Lisa Rose Snow   编剧:Michael J. Murray

    主演:Shawn Ahmed, 伊莉丝·鲍曼, Wendy Crewson

      Alma and Charlie crosses paths of each other, when Charlie finds the perfect tree for the Maine Governor's Holiday Celebration at right in Alma's back yard.

  • 慈悲圣诞 Mercy Christmas

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Ryan Nelson   编剧:Beth Levy Nelson, Ryan Nelson

    主演:Casey O'Keefe, Mackenzie Coffman

      Michael Briskett meets the perfect woman and his ideal Christmas dream comes true when she invites him to her family's holiday celebration. Michael's dream shatters once he realizes that HE will be the Christmas dinner.

  • 家庭经济学 第三季 Home Economics Season 3


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:托弗·戈瑞斯, 凯特琳·麦基, 吉米·塔特罗

      Tom finds out that Connor is his new boss, which threatens to ruin Marina's perfectly planned trip.

  • 神奇小镇 Magic Town

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:William A. Wellman   编剧:罗伯特·里斯金, 约瑟夫·克鲁姆戈尔德

    主演:James Stewart, Jane Wyman

      An opinion pollster finds a town which is a perfect mirror of U.S. opinions.

  • 自由裁量权 Discretion

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Tommy Garcia   编剧:Tommy Garcia

    主演:科林·劳伦斯, Tim McCord, Zj Stadium

      Derek's picture-perfect life as a family man and college professor is compromised when he falls for Trysten, a handsome new student.

  • 长期伴侣 Long-Term Relationship

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:罗伯·威廉姆斯   编剧:罗伯·威廉姆斯

    主演:马修·蒙戈马利, Windham Beacham

      Glenn gets tired of one night stands, and answers an ad placed by Adam, who is looking for an LTR. Glenn & Adam are perfect for each other, except for one, or two, or many things.