
  • 危险人物 Valdez Is Coming


    导演:埃德温·谢林   编剧:罗兰·基比, 大卫·雷菲尔德, 埃尔莫·伦纳德

    主演:伯特·兰卡斯特, 苏珊·克拉克, 弗兰克·斯尔维拉, 乔恩·西弗, 理查德·乔丹, 巴顿·海曼, 埃克托尔·埃利松多, 菲尔·布朗, 拉尔夫·布朗, 莱克斯·蒙森

      A Mexican-American sheriff must resort to violence against a powerful rancher in order to get just compensation for the pregnant Indian widow of a wrongly killed black man.

  • 亨利八世—保护者还是掠夺者? Henry VIII: Patron or Plunderer?


    导演:Andy Twaddle   编剧:

    主演:Jonathan Foyle

      Series which looks at the palaces, tapestries, music and paintings created in King Henry VIII's name and questions whether they compensate for the religious treasures he later destroyed

  • 马丁从屋顶上掉下来 Martin est tombé d’un toit

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 短片电影

    导演:马蒂斯·甘兹   编剧:


      While working on a construction site, Martin falls from a roof. With his leg and arm in a cast, Martin can no longer work, but his boss denies him any compensation following the incident.