
  • 成为公民 Becoming a citizen


    导演:珍妮·林格恩 Janne Lindgren   编剧:



  • 姆明谷的故事:朵贝·杨笙的人生 Moominland Tales: The Life of Tove Jansson

    类型:纪录片, 儿童, 传记

    导演:Eleanor Yule   编剧:

    主演:Philip Ardagh, 弗兰克·科特雷尔·博伊斯, Esther Freud

      世界著名奇幻文学大师,托芙·扬松(Tove Jansson,1914~2001),出生于芬兰首都赫尔辛基,父亲是一位雕塑家,母亲是一位画家。在芬兰,她的家庭属于外来的、说瑞典语的少数民族。
      可以想象,在一个很少能够找到和自己说一样语言,有一样生活习惯的邻居的地方,童年时代的杨松多多少少会感觉有些孤单。更何况,有整整六年,杨松是家中惟一的孩子。她的大弟弟皮尔·欧拿夫(Per Olov)出生在1920年,而小弟弟纳斯(Lars)到1926年才降生。
      Moomintroll and the Moomin family are characters loved by children and parents worldwide who have grown up listening to Finnish writer Tove Jansson's delightful stories about a group of philosophical trolls who face a range of adventures in Moominland.
      This documentary reveals the strong autobiographical slant in the Moomins series as it traces the author's own extraordinary story from living the bohemian life of an artist in war-torn Helsinki to becoming a recluse on a remote island in the Gulf of Finland.
      Enjoying unprecedented access to Jansson's personal archive, the film reveals an unconventional, brave and compelling woman whose creative genius extended beyond Moominland to satire, fine art and masterful adult fiction - not least her highly-regarded The Summer Book. With home movie footage shot by her long-term female lover and companion, it offers a unique glimpse of an uncompromising fun-loving woman who developed love as the central theme of her work.

  • 杀人 Homicidal

    类型:悬疑, 惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:威廉·卡斯尔   编剧:罗布·怀特

    主演:格伦·考伯特, 帕特丽夏·布莱斯林, 尤金妮娅·列昂托维奇, 琼·马歇尔


  • 魔鬼经济学 Freakonomics


    导演:Heidi Ewing, Alex Gibney, Rachel Grady, Eugene Jarecki, Jehane Noujaim, Laura Poitras   编剧:

    主演:Sammuel Soifer, Zoe Sloane, Carl Alleyne, Jade Viggiano, Adesuwa Addy Iyare, Jalani McNair


  • 离家,回家:罗伯特弗兰克的肖像 Leaving Home, Coming Home: A Portrait of Robert Frank


    导演:Gerald Fox   编剧:


  • 人类进化3:脱颖而出 Becoming Human: Last Human Standing


    导演:Graham Townsley   编剧:


      In "Last Human Standing," the final program of the three-part series "Becoming Human," NOVA examines the fate of the Neanderthals, our European cousins who died out as modern humans spread from Africa into Europe during the Ice Age. Did modern humans interbreed with Neanderthals or exterminate them? The program explores crucial evidence from the recent decoding of the Neanderth...

  • 情迷高音王 The Nomi Song

    类型:纪录片, 音乐, 传记

    导演:Andrew Horn   编剧:

    主演:Klaus Nomi

      1944年1月24日Klaus Nomi出生于德国柏林,后学习古典音乐和男高音,1973年从柏林搬到纽约,做点心师,也在夜总会唱歌,同性恋。
      他是来自德国的一个歌唱奇才,他在生活中的形象和舞台形象反差强烈,在舞台上染成蓝黑色的头发,化着精致的艺伎妆,武士式的发型和穿着,行为打扮都特例独行,他的音乐包含歌剧、古典、摇滚及舞曲,实验的成分极强,游刃有余得游走于男高音与女高音之间,他是一个大刀霍斧的音乐改革者。 70年代初是PUNK的时代,70年代末New Wave已经成型,David Bowie和一些disco音乐都是当时最IN的音乐元素。
      他来到纽约,1979年出现在“Bowie’s Saturday Night Live”节目中,David Bowie唱了The Man Who Sold The World和Boys Keep Swinging,Jo...

  • 秘密起源:DC漫画故事 Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics


    导演:Mac Carter   编剧:Mac Carter

    主演:Ryan Reynolds


  • 男人们多粗野 Gli uomini, che mascalzoni...


    导演:马里奥·卡梅里尼   编剧:马里奥·卡梅里尼, 阿尔多·德·贝内代蒂, 马里奥·索达蒂

    主演:Lia Franca, 维托里奥·德西卡, Cesare Zoppetti, Aldo Moschino, Carola Lotti, Anna D'Adria, Gemma Schirato, Maria Montesano, 玛丽娅·德丹尼, Tino Erler

      The film was a great success, De Sica and Lia Franca became stars and the song Parlami d'amore Mariù was a hit. Rarelly in Italian film history, it was filmed on real Milan locations, nowadays it is a sort of documentary how was Milan in the 30s. The film was remade in 1953 by Glauco Pellegrini.

  • 天使即将来临续集 A Coming of Angels: 'The Sequel'

    类型:悬疑, 情色, 犯罪

    导演:Guido Williams, Joe Williams   编剧:

    主演:科林·布伦南, 埃里克·爱德华兹 Eric Edwards, Jill Ferrar, 杰米·吉利斯, 安妮特·海雯, 金格·林恩·爱伦, 乔恩·马丁, 凯丽·尼科尔斯, 赫歇尔·萨维奇, 保罗·托马斯 Paul Thomas, 麦克·霍纳

      Once upon a time there were three ANGELS... They were young, they were beautiful, and when the occasion called for it, they were the most torrid sexual sleuths ever created! You see, the ANGELS ran a detective agency that specialized in the most intimate and provocative undercover investigations imaginable! From mean streets to satin sheets, open your mind and forget your inhib...