
  • 红土 Rouge


    导演:法瑞德·班图米   编剧:法瑞德·班图米, 塞缪尔·杜

    主演:琪塔·昂罗, 塞米·鲍亚吉拉, 席琳·赛莱, 奥利维埃·古尔梅, 阿尔卡·巴尔比尔, 亨利-诺尔·塔巴里

      An occupational nurse attempts to blow the whistle on toxic waste leaking from a chemical plant.

  • 路 Kvish

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:那达夫·拉皮德   编剧:那达夫·拉皮德

    主演:Byan Anteer, Munder Khouri, Nathan Nathansohn, 约塞夫·斯威德, Mussa Zhalka

      On a desert road, a couple makes love in front of a monument where, a year earlier, four Palestinian workers had kidnapped their Israeli boss in a protest against the injustices of the Israeli occupation.

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