
  • 教子有方 第四季 Outnumbered Season 4


    导演:安迪·汉密尔顿, 盖·简金   编剧:盖·简金, 安迪·汉密尔顿

    主演:休·丹尼斯, 克莱尔·斯金纳, 泰戈尔· 德鲁-哈尼

      Sandra interrupts a particularly competitive Wii session between Pete,who has rashly resigned his job,and the boys to ask Pete to read the eulogy at his Uncle Bob's funeral. His brief is not to mention Bernard, Bob's gay lover of fourteen years for whom he left his wife. However,flustered by Sue's giggling,Pete pays tribute to Bernard,earning praise from his mother and wife,as ...

  • 你老妈是动物杀手 Your Mommy Kills Animals


    导演:Curt Johnson   编剧:

    主演:Katherine Heigl, Bo Derek, Ben Stein

      An in-depth look at the animal rights movement and the FBI's recent declaration calling them the number one domestic terrorist threat to the United States.

  • 蜜桃熟了的夏日 Griechische Feigen


    导演:Sigi Rothemund   编剧:Christian Dura, Patrizia Piccardi

    主演:Betty Vergès, Claus Richt, 奥莉薇娅·帕斯卡尔, Wolf Goldan, Walter Kraus, Karl Heinz Maslo, Corinne Brodbeck, Sabi Dorr, Eric Wedekind, Sylvia Froehlich, Rut Rex

      In this sex comedy, a good-looking German girl goes on vacation in Greece, and a large number of people try to get her to go to bed with them. With a light, teasing manner, she turns all of them down, until at last she meets a boy she really likes.

  • 红十一 Red 11


    导演:罗伯特·罗德里格兹   编剧:罗伯特·罗德里格兹

    主演:罗比·阿特尔, 凯瑟琳·威利斯, Katy Harris, Alejandro Rose-Garcia, Elizabeth Trieu, Pierce Bailey, Eman Esfandi, Michael Fischer, John Valley, Lauren Hatfield

      Based on the research hospital where Robert Rodriguez sold his body to pay for 'El Mariachi'. 'Red 11' is the shirt color and number he was assigned.

  • 萨伊娜 Saina

    类型:传记片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:Amole Gupte   编剧:Amole Gupte, Amitosh Nagpal

    主演:Mukesh Agrohari, Olga Anand, Rohan Apte

      The story of Saina Nehwal, a professional badminton player who ranked number 1 in the sport.

  • 达伦·布朗:救世主 The messiah


    导演:Tim Knight   编剧:安迪·尼曼, 达伦·布朗


      Derren Brown takes on a number of fake identities as he travels across the USA trying to convince people of his abilities in the area of psychic powers and the supernatural world.

  • 真心话大冒险 Truth or Dare


    导演:Jessica Cameron   编剧:Jessica Cameron, Jonathan Scott Higgins

    主演:德瓦尼·平, 布兰登·范弗利特, Jessica Cameron, Ryan Kiser, Heather Dorff, Shelby Stehlin, Jesse Wilson, Buz Wallick, Grae Drake

      Six college kids find internet stardom when they make "Truth or Dare" videos with a violent twist. It is all fun and games until their number one fan decides he wants to play by his own rules.

  • 误闯阿瑟王宫 A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court

    类型:喜剧片电影, 歌舞片电影, 家庭片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:泰·加尼特   编剧:马克·吐温, 埃德蒙·伯洛伊

    主演:平·克劳斯贝, 朗达·弗莱明, 塞德里克·哈德威克

      Excellent musical comedy based on the novel by Mark Twain with good cast and numbers such as, "Busy Doing Nothing" and "Once And For Always".

  • 野性印度卡纳塔克邦 Wild Karnataka


    导演:   编剧:


      An unprecedented UHD film on Karnataka's rich Biodiversity narrated by David Attenborough. Portraying the state with highest number of Tigers and Elephants using the latest technology - a masterpiece showcasing the state, its flora, fauna.

  • 费欧娜·艾波:纸袋 Fiona Apple: Paper Bag

    类型:短片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:保罗·托马斯·安德森   编剧:费欧娜·艾波

    主演:Bobby Amamizu, 费欧娜·艾波

      Paul Thomas Anderson-directed music video for Fiona Apple's single. An homage to 1940s musical numbers, featuring twenty choreographed young boys.