
  • No Logo


    导演:Sut Jhally   编剧:Erin Donovan

    主演:Naomi Klein

      In the age of the brand, logos are everywhere. But why do some of the world's best-kno.n brands find themselves on the wrong end of the spray paint can # the targets of anti-corporate campaigns by activists and protestors? No Logo, based on the best-selling book by Canadian journalist and activist Naomi Klein, reveals the reasons behind the backlash against the increasing econo...

  • 枕头大战二号 Bataille d'oreillers (no. 2)


    导演:   编剧:


  • No

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米   编剧:


      produced by Zadig & Cinematheque Francaise
      this short is part of a collection called "La chevelure féminine vue par..." which is an anthology of six shorts by Abbas Kiarostami, Isild Le Besco, Yousri Nasrallah, Abderrahmane Sissako, Nobuhiro Suwa & Pablo Trapero, which was made in 2010 for the french cinematheque and which are all somehow about HAIR
      so-called plot from gabbyhe...

  • No.1


    导演:小野洋子   编剧:小野洋子


      The film starts in a situation where match is about to be lit. Everything is ready for the action to start. After the fingers who hold the match make a move, viewers expect to see a carefully canned initial flames erupting from the end of the match but they should prepare for disappointment: the fingers move the match out off the screen and the most interesting scene is, in a w...

  • No-A


    导演:Liam Murphy   编剧:


  • 我和世界不一样 No Arms No Legs No Worries

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:尼克·胡哲   编剧:


      这是一个关于生命潜能的演讲。尼克胡哲Nick Vujicic,1982年生于澳大利亚墨尔本,这个有着塞尔维亚血统的澳洲人,因为天生无手无脚(医学无法解释),成为他人眼中的异类。但是他并没有向命运低头,他从基督教信仰中获得力量,勇敢地战胜了所有先天的灾难,成为了创造生命奇迹的神奇布道者。面对莘莘学子时,他的乐观、豁达、幽默、睿智深深感染了现场观众:他讲述着自己残存的“小鸡腿”,并以此演示打鼓,踢球,接电话,甚至还和自告奋勇的志愿者玩了互动游戏。在给观众带来欢笑的同时,他也分享了自己的成长经历,那些关于爱,关于生命,关于梦想的片段,深深打动了现场的观众,有人激赏,有人垂泪。他用真挚感人的话语,传递了一种相信自己,战胜命运,热爱生活,给人希望的积极力量,不仅震撼了全场,也影响了世界……

  • 血的游戏 No Retreat, No Surrender

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 动作片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:元奎   编剧:吴思远, 元奎, Keith W. Strandberg

    主演:Joe Verroca, Farid Panahi, John Andes, Mark Zacharatos, Ty Martinez, Bob Johnene, Dennis Casey Park, Alex Stelter, Kurt McKinney, 尚格·云顿, J.W. Fails, Kathie Sileno, 唐龙, Kent Lipham, Ron Pohnel, Dale Jacoby, Peter Cunningham, Timothy D. Baker, Gloria Marziano


  • 女排No.1 アタックNo.1

    类型:动画片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:黒川文男, 冈部英二, 竹内启雄   编剧:辻真先, 出崎哲

    主演:矢田耕司, 森功至, 鹫津名都江


  • 未来都市NO.6 NO.6

    类型:科幻片电影, 动画片电影

    导演:长崎健司, 宫下新平, 佐藤育郎, 布施康之, 石田畅, 佐藤清光, 清水久敏   编剧:水上清资, 大野木宽, 伊藤美智子, 浅野敦子

    主演:梶裕贵, 细谷佳正, 真堂圭, 寺杣昌纪, 安野希世乃, 佐久间玲, 诸星堇, 三木真一郎, 有本钦隆, 大地真央


  • 无法无天 No Law, No Heaven

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:许善棋   编剧:许善棋

    主演:黄嗣舜, 詹成钧, Will Cross
