
  • 私人叙述员 The Narrator


    导演:Julia Trofimova   编剧:


      一个抑郁的员工接受了一种实验性的治疗方式——让私人叙述员陪 自己一起上班,私人叙述员会把他脑海中的每个想法大声说出来。
      As part of an experimental therapy, a depressed employee must navigate his office job with a personal narrator who speaks aloud his every thought.

  • 雨果:18点30分 Hugo : 18h30

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Simon Helloco, James MacIver   编剧:Simon Helloco

    主演:Julien Branellec, Thomas Blanchard, Zoé Monteillet, Nadir Louatib

      During a casting session, Hugo, a young actor, is invited to be the narrator, actor, and director of a story he has to improvise. He embarks on a story about sex, illness, and emancipation.

  • 性初体验 Breaking It


    导演:戴维·I·弗雷泽   编剧:戴维·I·弗雷泽

    主演:奇希·劳尔兹, 苏珊·哈特

      A narrator shows the first sexual experience of various people, from a teenage boy's encounter with an older woman to a high school student's seduction of her teacher.

  • 明日住宅 House of Tomorrow

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影

    导演:Tex Avery   编剧:Jack Cosgriff, Rich Hogan

    主演:Frank Graham

      A narrator takes us on a tour of the dream house of the future, and its many innovative appliances.

  • 动物本色 第二季 Animal Season 2


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:安迪·瑟金斯, 安东尼·麦凯, 大卫·哈伯, 乌佐·阿杜巴

      Series two of Animal has already been greenlit by Netflix and will feature narrators including Andy Serkis, Anthony Mackie, David Harbour and Uzo Aduba and will focus on dolphins, bears, birds of prey and apes. Season 2 will premiere in 2022.

  • N.已经掷出骰子 N. a pris les dés...


    导演:阿兰·罗布-格里耶   编剧:阿兰·罗布-格里耶

    主演:凯瑟琳·卓丹, Pierre Zimmer, 西尔万·科尔泰, 朱拉什·库库拉, Catherine Robbe-Grillet, Ludovít Króner

      我叫 N. K.,人们都称呼我简称N.。我是谁?就好像“Nemo”的首字母,或者是“航行者(navigator)”或“讲述者(narrator)”,还有邪恶的“拿破仑”(Napoleon)。我住的地方,面向沙滩,更远点的地方是港口,是个观察的好据点。我已经掷出了骰子,凡事皆有因果,即使是文学和影像也不例外。
      本片作为导演阿兰·罗布-格里耶拍摄于1972年的《伊甸园及其后》的另一剪辑版本在FR3播出,是关于一个剧本创作者 在思考文本时引发的可能性。

  • 阿霞 Ася


    导演:Iosif Kheifits   编剧:伊万.屠格涅夫

    主演:Elena Koreneva, 伊戈尔·柯斯托列夫斯基, Vyacheslav Yezepov

      Based on the eponymous novella by Turgenev, the film follows the narrator, a young Russian man traveling in Germany. He meets his compatriots, Gagin and his sister Asya. The narrator and Asya fall in love, but will he take the next step?