
  • 野蛮王国 第一季 Savage Kingdom Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


      2,000 miles of remote African savanna, this ancient land's governed by competing clans of ruthlessly proficient predators. Their survival depends on herds of powerful prey. Each day's a life and death struggle. This season who will survive?

  • 电影 Tropical-Rouge!光之美少女 小小闯入!组合♡舞会! 映画 トロピカル~ジュ!プリキュア プチ とびこめ!コラボ♡ダンスパーティ!


    导演:大塚隆史   编剧:金月龙之介


      短篇由执导过《Smile光之美少女》、《ONE PIECE STAMPEDE》的大冢隆史担任导演,治愈系动画。从《Healin' Good ♡ 光之美少女》那里收到舞蹈派对邀请函的夏日天使,珊瑚天使,木瓜天使、火烈鸟天使和人鱼萝拉,五人以作为会场的跳舞岛为目标的样子。同时也披露了《Tropical-Rouge!光之美少女》的新海报。

  • 最后的欢呼 Salaam Venky


    导演:雷瓦希   编剧:Sameer Arora, Kausar Munir

    主演:Vaibhav Gohil, Kamal Sadanah, Bhargav Polara, Jaineeraj Rajpurohit, Aneet Padda, 卡卓儿, 普拉卡什·拉贾, 普丽亚玛尼, Riddhi Kumar, 阿哈娜·卡姆拉, Rajeev Khandelwal, 拉胡尔·玻色, 阿南特·纳拉扬·马哈德凡, 阿米尔·汗, Vishal Jethwa, Maala Parvathi

      Sujata, an ideal mother, who battled the most challenging situations one can ever face with a smile.

  • 在伏尔加河诞生 第一季 Im Reich der Wolga Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


      With a stunning variety of landscapes and species, the Volga flows ver 2,000 miles, traversing the heartlands of Russia.

  • 和贝塔妮游尼罗河 The Nile: Egypt's Great River with Bettany Hughes

    类型:纪录片, 历史

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Bettany Hughes

      The historian explores the land that inspired her passion for the past by embarking upon a 900-mile journey along the river Nile and examining how it shaped ancient Egypt.

  • 幸福 Baqyt


    导演:Askar Uzabayev   编剧:Assem Zhapisheva, Askar Uzabayev

    主演:Toleybek Konbay, Laura Myrzakhmetova, Yerbolat Alkozha, Almagul Kazikhan, Shynar Zhanysbekova, Almagul Sagyndyk, Dias Myrzakhmet, Azharlym Magzum, Rakhat Halyk, Gulzhamal Kazakhbayeva, Shintas Omarov, Ainagul Ulmessekova

      For her job as an influencer, she wears orange and a broad smile. The “Happiness” brand is her doctrine, but her home is a dark place where brute force has ruled for years. This film shows us what it costs to escape the trap of misogyny.

  • 彩蛋大屠杀 Paintball Massacre

    类型:喜剧, 恐怖

    导演:Darren Berry   编剧:Chris Regan

    主演:Aoife Smyth, 瑞安·温斯利, Tony Banham, Paul Holbrook, 凯蒂·布兰德, Lee Latchford-Evans, 罗伯特·波特尔, Nicholas Vince, 伊恩·维果, Cheryl Burniston, Lockhart Ogilvie, Brendan Carr, Natasha Killip, Nathan Clough, Joe Hallett

      Old school friends go on a paintball trip, miles away from civilization. Things go horribly wrong when they discover a cold-blooded masked killer is among them. Now they must fight to survive their school reunion.

  • 言语如苏打般涌现 サイダーのように言葉が湧き上がる


    导演:石黑恭平   编剧:佐藤大

    主演:杉崎亮, 江越彬纪, 村上裕哉, 小林千晃, 真木骏一, 大地叶, 清水彩香, 长谷川育美, 贯井柚佳, 井上喜久子, 坂本真绫, 山寺宏一, 内匠靖明, 森奈奈子, 久川绫, 沼仓爱美, 柳田淳一, 津田英三, 所河瞳, 佐久间元辉, 三轮夏纪, 藤间斋, 杉咲花, 潘惠美, 花江夏树, 梅原裕一郎, 中岛爱, 诸星堇, 伊藤静, 铃木实里, 神谷浩史, 吉富英治, 平真纯


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