
  • 英国电脑业鼻祖 Micro Men


    导演:Saul Metzstein   编剧:Tony Saint (writer)

    主演:Alexander Armstrong, Martin Freeman, Edward Baker-Duly, Sam Phillips

      Affectionately comic drama about the British home computer boom of the early 1980s.
      Legendary inventor Clive Sinclair battles it out with ex-employee Chris Curry, founder of Acorn Computers, for dominance in the fledgling market.
      The rivalry comes to a head when the BBC announce their Computer Literacy Project, with the stated aim of putting a micro in every school in Britain. ...

  • 微型猛兽世界之旅 Micro Monsters 3D


    导演:Timothy Usborne   编剧:大卫·爱登堡

    主演:David Attenborough

      上世纪七八十年代的好莱坞电影里,蚂蚁,蜘蛛,苍蝇,蜜蜂,蜘蛛,蜈蚣等经常是主角。这些在现实世界中体型微小的动物,一旦因为某种异变造成体型扩大数千倍,将造成怎样的灾难? 当然,科幻电影毕竟只是幻想。 大卫·艾登堡继历时四年的震撼之作《非洲》之后,又带来了这全新的《微型猛兽世界之旅》。本系列采用高端的3D摄影技术,画面极其精美,是不可多得的又一佳作。 《观察家报》的评论为“精彩绝伦的新系列,令人啧啧称奇,千万不可错过!”;《星期日邮报》的评论是“震撼人心的全新系列,迄今为止最好的3D纪录片,准备好被震撼吧!”;《太阳报》的评论是“你会爱上这个关于神秘昆虫世界的纪录片系列!”;Total TV Guide等网站也给出了积极评论。

  • 沙漠夜夜欢 La canción du microsillon

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Laurent Pouvaret   编剧:Laurent Pouvaret



  • 快乐的微生物 Les joyeux microbes

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:埃米尔·科尔   编剧:


      A scientist has acquired a microscope and is showing it off to his friend. He takes various body samples - hair, phlegm, etc. - and puts them under the microscope. The "microbes" coalesce and form different shapes, creating caricatures of various people, such as mothers-in-law and drunks. These animated characters goof around in traditional cartoon fashion.

  • 奥米克 Omicron

    类型:喜剧片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:乌戈·格雷戈雷蒂   编剧:乌戈·格雷戈雷蒂

    主演:雷纳托·萨尔瓦托雷, 萝丝玛丽·德克斯特

      An alien takes over the body of an Earthman in order to learn about the planet so his race can take it over.

  • 跳舞的侏儒 La Danseuse microscopique


    导演:Georges Méliès   编剧:


      Star Film 394-396

  • 测试麦克风 Proba de microfon


    导演:Mircea Daneliuc   编剧:

    主演:Gina Patrichi, Tora Vasilescu

    Using a combination of fictional sequences and cinema vérité encounters with ordinary citizens, Microphone

  • 萨卡达 Sakda

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古   编剧:阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古

    主演:萨卡达·卡温巴迪, Chai Bhatana, Chatchai Suban

      In semi-obscurity, we hear a few chords on the guitar, a man whispering into a microphone then into a recording device on the Mekong river bank, that will relay his voice…

  • Bloodbath in the House of Knives

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Ted Moehring   编剧:Ted Moehring

    主演:Anne Reiss, Joseph Michael, Monica Moehring

      催眠演示作为催化剂谋杀这个micro-budgeted neo-giallo故事Troma劳埃德·考夫曼。 艾薇的朋友都开始死掉时,寻找凶手显示,每个人都有动机谋杀。 可能sleaze-ball毒贩和色情文学作家尼克Lemenza被指责,或有常春藤陷入困境的妹妹紫终于跳水自杀的出现的更多的尸体,越短的嫌疑人列表越来越长,机会越大,艾薇将是下一个名字在杀手的越来越多的受害者。

  • 遗址

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:王兵   编剧:


      Following landscape of a wasteland while developing. A macro-movie showing the world the truth through observing a micro atom.

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