
  • 盗火线制作花絮 The Making of 'Heat'


    导演:Constantine Nasr   编剧:

    主演:艾什莉·贾德, 戴安·维诺拉, Andy McNab, 丹尼·特雷霍, 克里斯·詹金斯, 艾略特·戈登塞尔, 莫比, 爱德华·邦克, 丹尼斯·海斯伯特, 汤姆·塞兹摩尔, 迈克尔·瓦克斯曼, 阿特·林森, 艾米·布伦尼曼, 麦凯尔泰·威廉逊, 艾米·坎安·曼, 邦妮·蒂默曼, 汤姆·诺南, 迈克尔·曼, Chuck Adamson, Richard Lindberg, 丹尼斯·法里纳, 阿尔·帕西诺, Tom Elfmont, Rey Verdugo, 强·沃特, 罗伯特·德尼罗, 方·基默, 皮特·扬·布拉戈, 但丁·斯宾诺蒂

      At almost an hour, this engrossing three-part documentary features interviews with key members of the cast and crew, and gives Mann further opportunities to discuss the people, criminals, and policework that inspired his film. It's a fascinating, extensive, utterly entrancing glimpse into the production, from its earliest stages to its eventual release, that dissects Heat's the...

  • 硅谷 幕后制作特辑 Making Silicon Valley


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:托马斯·米德蒂奇, 扎克·伍兹, T·J·米勒, 马丁·斯塔尔, 库梅尔·南贾尼, 迈克·乔吉, 亚力克·博格, 乔什·布雷纳, 阿曼达·克鲁

  • 制作《星球大战》 The Making of 'Star Wars'

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:Robert Guenette   编剧:理查德·什克尔

    主演:加里克·哈根, 詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯, 彼德·梅犹, 大卫·鲍罗斯, 威廉姆·康拉德, 安东尼·丹尼尔斯, 乔治·卢卡斯, 马克·哈米尔, 亚历克·吉尼斯, 哈里森·福特, 凯丽·费雪, 加里·库尔茨, 唐·拉方丹, 肯尼·贝克, Peter Diamond

      Ever wonder how they ever managed to make a movie like Star Wars? Well, bickering droid duo C-3PO and R2-D2 host this tour of the mind of creator George Lucas and what inspired him to make the movie. Even interviewed are the cast and crew, even features scenes of when C-3PO, R2-D2, and Darth Vader planted their footprints (or in R2's case, tread-prints) into cement. Also discus...

  • 川普是怎样炼成的 The Making of Trump


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:凯蒂·柯丽克, Alfonse D'amato, 迈克尔·丹东尼奥, Donny Deutsch, 唐纳德·特朗普, Jonathan Allen, Kurt Andersen, David Axelrod, Rona Barrett, Kate Bohner, 汤姆·布罗考, 帕特·布坎南, 乔治·布什, 杰布·布什, Michael Caputo, Ben Carson

      As every day of Donald Trump's presidential campaign seemingly generates new headlines, this two-hour special examines the increasingly polarizing candidate's past. Included is rarely seen footage from Trump's interviews with Phil Donahue and his comments about politics from the floor of the 1988 Republican convention. Additionally, celebrities, politicians, and people describe...

  • 色情交易:借口 Sex Sells: The Making of Touché

    类型:喜剧, 爱情

    导演:Jonathan Liebert   编剧:


  • 一剪成衣 第三季 Making the Cut Season 3


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Sienna Li, Jeanette Limas, Markantoine Lynch-Boisvert, Gabriella Meyer, Ciara Chyanne Morgan, 海蒂·克鲁姆, 蒂姆·古恩, 克洛伊·贝利, 海莉·贝利, Rafael Chaouiche, 妮可·里奇, Emily Bargeron, Christine Beauchamp, Curtis Cassell, Georgia Hardinge, Wisdom Kaye

    Each week, winning looks will be available to buy on Amazon in the Making the Cut store, and the last

  • 导演狂想曲 American Movie: The Making of Northwestern

    类型:喜剧, 纪录片

    导演:克里斯·史密斯   编剧:

    主演:Mark Borchardt, Tom Schimmels, Monica Borchardt, Alex Borchardt, Chris Borchardt

      “导演"这两字是许多电影人追求的名衔,对于住在威斯康辛一处无名小镇的马克布察特而言,更是他一生最大的梦想。本片是由克里斯史密斯执导,记录马克为完成导演梦,出动全家大小、亲朋好友充当演员,加上他的信用卡和比尔叔叔借他的3000元,意图完成一部恐怖短片; 片中忠实记录马克对拍片的坚持和他个人的一些问题--包括酗酒、赌博和家庭失和等--观众可从中认识马克周遭的人物:亲爱的老妈、高龄八十二岁的叔叔和马克的一干演员朋友。这是一部关于一个人的野心、沈迷、和他追求个人理想的“美国梦"的忠实纪录片。

  • Red Sun, Black Sand: The Making of 'Letters from Iwo Jima'

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:加濑亮, 二宫和也, 渡边谦, 克林特·伊斯特伍德, 罗伯特·洛伦兹, 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格, 保罗·哈吉斯, 山下爱丽斯, 詹姆斯·J·默拉卡米, 亨利·巴姆斯泰德, Deborah Hopper, 汤姆·斯特恩, 乔尔·考克斯, 伊原刚志

  • 制作《杀死比尔》 The Making of 'Kill Bill'


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:昆汀·塔伦蒂诺, 乌玛·瑟曼, 劳伦斯·班德

      The documentary of the Blockbuster sleeper, Kill Bill Vol. 1, and how it was made. There is Quentin Tarrantino, the director and writer of the movie, Uma Thurman, who plays "The Bride", the sort of Hero/Anti-hero of the film when she was betrayed by her old teammates, Lucy Liu, playing O-Ren, the half-Chinese half-Japanses American who is Queen of the Crime Underworld in Japan,...

  • 《敦刻尔克》制作纪录 The Making of Dunkirk


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:汤姆·哈迪, 基里安·墨菲, 克里斯托弗·诺兰, 哈里·斯泰尔斯, 菲恩·怀特海德

    a whole on the 'Dunkirk' Blu-ray's bonus disc, the individual featurettes from each section of 'The Making