
  • Human Remains

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:Matt Lipsey   编剧:罗伯·布莱顿, 朱莉娅·戴维斯

    主演:朱莉娅·戴维斯, Rob Brydon, 史蒂芬·曼甘

      This series of "days-in-the-life" (6) is without a doubt one of the funniest and best-acted pieces I've ever seen. The two principles, Julia Davis and Rob Brydon, have a very well-defined sense of comedic timing, and their characters are at once hilarious and pitiful.
      The makeup deserves credit as well; I was half-way through the second episode before I realized that I was watc...

  • 罗马尼亚新浪潮 La Nouvelle Vague du Cinema Roumain


    导演:Marius Doicov, Vincent Guyottot   编剧:

    主演:Radu Mihaileanu, Catalin Mitulescu, Cristian Mungiu, Radu Muntean, Corneliu Porumboiu, Cristi Puiu

      Watching him step director Radu Mihaileanu in preparation for his new movie, filmed in Bucharest, French documentary team investigates the inner springs that generated the current effervescent cinema in recent years: New Wave of Romanian filmmakers.

  • 人性问题 La Question Humaine


    导演:Nicolas Klotz   编剧:

    主演:马修·阿马立克, 迈克尔·朗斯代尔, 琼-皮尔里·卡尔弗恩


  • 天空依旧 The Sky Remains The Same As Ever


    导演:Teppei Kishida   编剧:

    主演:Taka Goto, Yasunori Takada, Tamaki

      This documentary follows the Japan-based underground rock band MONO as they record and tour for the 2006 release "You Are There." Several full-length live songs are included here, along with revealing footage of the band at work and at play.

  • 领域 Domain

    类型:剧情, 科幻, 惊悚

    导演:内森尼尔·阿彻森   编剧:内森尼尔·阿彻森

    主演:布丽特·洛薇尔, 瑞恩·莫里曼, 威廉·格雷戈里·李, 凯文·塞兹摩尔, 尼克·戈麦斯, 索尼娅·孙, 塞德里克·桑德斯, 贝丝·格兰特

      After a deadly virus wipes out most of humanity, the survivors are forced to wait in self-sustaining bunkers with a networked video interface for communication, but one by one, they start mysteriously disappearing.

  • 域之时 The Domain of the Moment


    导演:斯坦·布拉哈格   编剧:


  • 人类 Humains

    类型:动作, 惊悚, 恐怖, 冒险

    导演:Pierre-Olivier Thevenin, Jacques-Olivier Molon   编剧:Jean-Armand Bougrelle, Frédérique Henri, Dominique Néraud, Silvan Boris Schmid

    主演:Dominique Pinon, Jean-Luc Bideau, Élise Otzenberger


  • 无情的女人 L'inhumaine

    类型:剧情, 科幻, 悬疑, 冒险

    导演:马塞尔·莱尔比埃   编剧:皮埃尔·迪马歇, 马塞尔·莱尔比埃, Georgette Leblanc

    主演:雅克·卡特兰, Léonid Walter de Malte, Philippe Hériat, Fred Kellerman

      Claire Lescot is a famous prima donna. All men want to be loved by her. Among them is the young scientist Einar Norsen. When she mocks at him, he leaves her house with the declared intention to kill himself... But the story is much less important than the scenery : this movie intended to be a manifesto of the modern decorative arts.

  • 衣冠禽兽 La bête humaine

    类型:剧情, 犯罪

    导演:让·雷诺阿   编剧:让·雷诺阿, Denise Leblond, 左拉

    主演:André Tavernier, 马塞尔·佩雷斯, 让·雷诺阿, 朱利安·卡莱特, Jacques Roussel, Jacques Beauvais, 雅克·贝克, 雅克·布鲁尼乌斯, Marguerite de Morlaye, 让·迦本, 西蒙妮·西蒙, 费尔南·勒杜, 布兰切特·布若尼, Gérard Landry, Jenny Hélia, 科莱特·雷吉斯, Claire Gérard, Charlotte Clasis, Jacques Berlioz, Tony Corteggiani

      货车司机雅克(让·迦本 Jean Gabin 饰)出生在一个有着酗酒历史的家族之中,他一直十分的自卑,觉得自己继承了家族劣质的基因。某日,在火车上发生了一起谋杀案,雅克是唯一的目击者,他在现场看到了同事的妻子萨维丽娜(西蒙妮·西蒙 Simone Simon 饰),但是出于私心,雅克并没有将这件事情告诉警察。

  • Les Torches humaines


    导演:Georges Méliès   编剧:
