
  • 骚的过火 Private Duty Nurses


    导演:George Armitage   编剧:乔治·阿米蒂奇

    主演:凯瑟琳·坎农, Joyce Williams, Pegi Boucher, 丹尼斯·雷德菲尔德, 罗伯特·F·西蒙, 保罗·格里森

      A trio of beautiful private-duty nurses that practice more than the medical arts must confront underground drug traffickers, racism and murder in their local hospital.@www.molikan.com

  • 牧师的结局 Faráruv konec


    导演:埃瓦尔德·朔尔姆   编剧:埃瓦尔德·朔尔姆, 约瑟夫·什克沃雷茨基

    主演:Jan Schmid, 伊日·西科拉, 雅罗斯拉夫·毛奇卡, Ludmila Lebedová, Andrea Cunderlíková, Marie Rybnícková, Jaroslav Satoranský, 弗拉迪米尔·瓦伦塔, 马丁·鲁热克, Vladimir Jedenáctik, Václav Kotva, Jan Cmíral, 伊里·里拉, 伏拉基米尔·布劳德斯基, 扬·利比切克, 亚娜·布赖霍娃, Zdena Skvorecka, Josefa Pechlatová, Helena Ruzicková, Eva Repíková, Marie Landova, Libuse Freslová, Jana Synková, 帕维尔·兰多夫斯基, 弗拉迪米尔·赫拉巴内克

      A verger, who likes to dress as a priest, is invited, by one of the villagers, to be the pastor at a vacant church. The atheist teacher resents the pastor, and tries to embarrass him in various ways, including being caught with the local girl, Majka.

  • 负重 Heavy Weight

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:Jonny Ruff   编剧:Jace Moody

    主演:Eddy Elsey, Dean Christie, Chuku Modu

      When a talented new arrival begins using the local boxing club, Paris, a skilled fighter, is forced into an unexpected struggle with himself. A film about vulnerability in a hyper-masculine world that doesn't allow for it.

  • 黑暗信号 Dark Signal


    导演:Edward Evers-Swindell   编剧:Edward Evers-Swindell

    主演:加雷思·大卫-劳埃德, 琴祺雅·蒙内亚勒, 詹姆斯·科兹莫, Joanna Ignaczewska, 西旺·莫里斯, Sioned Jones

      The spirit of a murdered girl returns with a message. Now a stranded woman must team up with the staff of a local station to solve the mystery of her death.

  • 达蒙的复仇 Damon's Revenge

    类型:动作, 恐怖

    导演:戴维·基尔   编剧:戴维·基尔, Eric Weinstock

    主演:Alec Nevin, Alessandria Greene, 戴维·基尔, 乔伊·安布罗西尼, Chelsea Vale, 汤姆·塞兹摩尔, 罗伯特·拉萨多, 迈克尔·马德森, Tommy Dreamer, Hannah Dannelly, Sully Erna, 汤姆·德努奇, Christopher C. Romero, Forest Quaglia, Chris Whitcomb

      A group of young adults spend the weekend at a friend's house by the lake. Joined by the local sheriff, the group encounters an escaped convict Native American chief, a copycat killer and the return of the terrifying masked stalker, Damon.

  • 追寻未归还的士兵(马来篇) 未帰還兵を追って/マレー編


    导演:今村昌平   编剧:


      The searching of un-return japanese soldier in Malaysia by Imamura Shohei with the help from local people.

  • 病态 Morbid


    导演:Chuck Conry   编剧:Chuck Conry

    主演:Olivia Hiers

      A masked killer uses a small Tennessee town as a playground. When local police are more interested in a big football game, an out-of-town detective arrives to solve the case and save teens from being slaughtered.

  • 邪教启示录 Apocalyptic

    类型:剧情, 恐怖

    导演:Glenn Triggs   编剧:Glenn Triggs

    主演:Jane Elizabeth Barry, David Macrae, Geoff Pinfield

      A local news crew becomes horribly involved with a doomsday cult.

  • 罩中任务 На районе

    类型:剧情, 惊悚, 传记

    导演:奥莉亚·祖娃   编剧:奥莉亚·祖娃

    主演:丹尼拉·科兹洛夫斯基, 奥莉亚·祖娃, Ilya Malanin, Angelina Strechina

      Vova and his best friend Kisa make ends meet by working for the local thug in Vladivostock, Russia until one assignment forces them to question their own morality and puts their friendship to the ultimate test.

  • 庄园猎杀舞会 Manor Hunt Ball

    类型:喜剧, 动作, 恐怖

    导演:Ross Boyask   编剧:Paul Reynolds, Ross Boyask

    主演:鲁伯特·彭利-琼斯, 西恩·帕特维, 菲尔·戴维斯

      A gang of local youths crash the high society party of the year, only to find that the modern gentry have taken to hunting the working class for sport. They must survive the hunt and escape before they are cut down one by one.