
  • Writing with Light: Vittorio Storaro


    导演:David Thompson   编剧:

    主演:维托里奥·斯托拉罗, Francis Ford Coppola, Bernardo Bertolucci, Warren Beatty

  • Murder in the Red Light

    类型:纪录片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Jon Conchi   编剧:


      The three-part Murder in the Red Light looks into the decades of murder cases of vulnerable sex workers

  • 1st G-Dragon Concert : Shine A Light 1st 지드래곤 콘서트 : Shine A Light

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:郑治英   编剧:

    主演:Big Bang, G-Dragon


  • 发光 Being Light


    导演:Pascal Arnold, Jean-Marc Barr   编剧:Pascal Arnold, 让-马克·巴尔

    主演:Jean-Marc Barr, Romain Duris, Élodie Bouchez

      Maxime, un jeune homme de 25 ans, débarque à Paris, mais souhaite rejoindre Justine, la femme qu'il aime, en Inde. Au bar de l'hôtel Raphaël, il fait la connaissance de Jack Lesterhoof, un riche homme d'affaires qui lui propose de devenir son interprète pour un rendez-vous important. Maxime accepte.
      Les deux hommes deviennent bientôt amis. Jack décide de faire un break, de romp...

  • 煤路 To the Light


    导演:刘元辰   编剧:


      影片讲述川东大山里的3个煤矿工人家庭的生活故事:由于农业难以维持生计,当地农 民为了支撑家庭,为了后辈能够摆脱大山和农村,只有冒着生命危险下井挖煤。灾难一次次在他们身边发生,但是为了生活,他们别无选择。第一个家庭,矿工文子的父亲过去正是因为挖煤染上肺病去世,但他依然在矿上 工作,并允许自己的儿子辉在矿里开机车,辉结婚不久并有一个未满周岁的小女儿,这对年轻夫妇一直为去广东打工争论不休。妻子小芳希望辉早点离开煤矿,但他们的小女儿迟迟没有断奶,辉和小芳只有一等再等。第二个家庭,矿工罗5年前在一次冒顶事故中受伤高位截瘫。由于治疗花费巨大,大儿子辍学到广东中山一家电池厂打工,虽然他想读书做高级技工,但为了资助父母的生活和弟弟的学业,他只有一条路走下去。第三个家庭,宣在井下是砌砖工人,他曾在外打工,但为了照顾妻儿又回到家乡,在附近的煤矿上班。他一直梦想靠自己在井...

  • Vermeer: Light, Love and Silence


    导演:Michael Gill   编剧:

    主演:John Berger, 梅尔文·布莱格, Jonathan Miller

      Jan Vermeer (1632-75) was little known outside Holland either during his lifetime or for more than 200 years after his death, yet he is now acknowledged to be one of the most gifted and intriguing painters of the seventeenth century. This film looks at the social, political and scientific context in which this most enigmatic of painters lived, from the birth of an independent D...

  • Louis Kahn: Silence and Light


    导演:Michael Blackwood   编剧:


      With the participation of William Jordy, Jonas Salk, Aldo Rossi, Arata Isozaki, Tadao Ando, Robert Venturi, Denise Scott-Brown, Brendan Gill, and others.
      As an architect, educator, and philosopher, Louis Kahn played a prominent role in the history of 20th century architecture. An examination of six of his most significant buildings gives insight to his unique vision: The Salk I...


    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Yoichiro Serizawa   编剧:


      A Woman’s cheeks are lit by the Sun while Film is illuminated by the lamps of the projector. But after all a Movie can only be shown to the audience through the light of the Projector.

  • Followers Of The deal Light


    导演:Yan Kaos   编剧:

    主演:Nemesis Bathory, Nekro Val Bundy

  • 暗夜凶光 Dark Light

    类型:科幻片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Padraig Reynolds   编剧:Padraig Reynolds

    主演:杰西卡·马德森, 本·苏利文, Opal Littleton, Ed Brody, Kristina Clifford, Weston Meredith, Gerald Tyler
