
  • 祖母 La Abuela


    导演:帕科·普拉萨   编剧:卡洛斯·贝尔穆德

    主演:Marta Crespo, Esther Vaquero, José Gigar, 皮埃尔·弗朗索瓦·加雷尔, Zoe Alayrangues, Pía Laborde-Noguez, Erick Faulkner, 劳拉·德尔·索尔, Maru Valdivielso, 阿尔穆德纳·阿莫尔, Vera Valdez, Karina Kolokolchykova, Marina Gutiérrez, Berta Sánchez, Alba Bonnin, Gabriela Calonfirescu, 伊莱安娜·威尔逊, 黄恰恰, Lle Godoy, Pia Hessel

      A Paris model must return to Madrid where her grandmother, who had brought her up, just had a stroke. But spending just a few days with this relative turns into an unexpected nightmare.

  • 宽容 Tolérance


    导演:Pierre-Henry Salfati   编剧:Pierre-Henry Salfati

    主演:乌戈·托尼亚齐, 鲁伯特·艾弗雷特, 安妮·波诺什, 马克·德容, 卡特琳·萨米, 拉斯洛·绍博

      Tolerance is a young woman married to the gastronome hedonist Marmant. They live at the French family castle. One day Tolerance receives an inheritance from a distant relative.

  • 你的邻人 Prossimo Tuo


    导演:Pasquale Marrazzo   编剧:


      Two young men who are in love and get bullied by a group of neo-Nazi skinheads that makes their life difficult as hatred and intolerance seeps into the rapport between their relatives and respective families.

  • 伟大事件与普通民众 De grands événements et des gens ordinaires


    导演:劳尔·鲁伊斯   编剧:


      Une commande de film sur les élections législatives dans le 11e arrondissement de Paris vues par un exilé chilien devient prétexte à une réflexion de Ruiz sur le cinéma documentaire.

  • 少年鳄鱼队3 Vorstadtkrokodile 3

    类型:喜剧片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:沃夫冈·格罗斯   编剧:克利斯汀·迪特


      One of the crocodiles needs an organ transplant by a close relative to save his life. Time is running out, but real friends never give up! With the help of Hannes’ mom the gang comes up with a plan...

  • 阿多尼斯与句芒


    导演:朱亿, 姚文清   编剧:


      阿多尼斯与句芒是一个以神话传说为背景,narrative和speculative为手段,运用AR技术的虚拟空间,影片拍摄的现实世界以及城市行走的行为艺术来阐述综合了dark ecology和Ecology as ""slave""为理论基础的艺术作品。"

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