
  • 澳洲野生鹦鹉 Australia: Land of Parrots


    导演:David Parer   编剧:Elizabeth Parer-Cook


      Discover the beauty, brilliance and behaviour of Australia's most conspicuous birds - parrots and cockatoos in Australia: Land of Parrots. Multi-award winning, natural history filmmakers David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook have turned their cameras to the sky to capture the spirit of these dazzling birds with breathtaking results - including rare and never before seen footage - all shot in HD.
      Varieties of parrots and cockatoos thrive across Australia and often in large numbers. From the dense rainforests of the tropical north to the cold, wind-swept coast of southern Australia and the arid deserts of the interior. Australia: Land of Parrots explores the spectacular and bizarre behaviour of Australia's wild parrots and cockatoos across the varied landscapes of the island continent.
      In the tropical rainforests of northern Australia the female Eclectus Parrot defies every rule in the evolutionary rule book. Instead of being drab, like most female birds, she's brightly coloured.
      Meanwhile the decade-long drought in the centre of Australia has broken and budgerigars gather to breed. Time is short - they quickly pair up, lay eggs and rear their young, all in the space of a few months.
      Parrots are very adaptable, the southern coast of Australia is battered by fierce weather yet Rock Parrots live along the shoreline. Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Little Corellas and galahs have been quick to take advantage of opportunities arising from modern farming. With food and water easily available, their populations have exploded, causing havoc for farmers.
      One of the most amazing parrots is the rare Palm Cockatoo which lives up north. Imitating their calls, Steve Murphy has been tracking them for years trying to work out how they live and he's uncovered some amazing behaviour.

  • 浮沉洛杉矶 Going Down in LA-LA Land

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:卡斯帕·安德瑞斯   编剧:卡斯帕·安德瑞斯

    主演:马修·路德文斯基, 艾莉森·林恩, 迈克尔·梅迪克, 杰西·阿彻

      梦想成为明星的亚当(Matthew Ludwinski 饰)来到洛杉矶,因人生路不熟在制作公司做兼职,很快花光周身积蓄。山穷水尽的他遇到淫媒问价,战战兢兢的踏上了皮肉生涯路,不但要满足好色监制,更被吸粉摄影师哄骗上手。一次亚当到比佛利山的豪宅为深柜大明星约翰(Michael Medico 饰)提供上门服务,两人情不自禁的爱上对方。约翰以请助手为名“包养”了亚当。甘愿被爱奴役的亚当,一步步迷失在五光十色的花花世界,载沉载浮,如痴如梦......

  • 我甜蜜的胡椒地 My Sweet Pepper Land


    导演:辛那·萨利姆   编剧:辛那·萨利姆, 安托万·拉孔布莱

    主演:格什菲·法拉哈尼, 考克玛兹·阿尔斯兰, Suat Usta

      影片的主人公巴兰曾经是库尔德独立战争中的英雄,后在首府埃尔比勒担任警长。然而巴兰感到自己在和平年代毫无用武之地,他打算退隐,并且同意在位于和伊朗、土耳其、伊拉克交界处的一座小山谷里驻守。这一带犯罪活动猖獗,是非法贩卖毒品、药品以及酒精活动的中心。巴兰来到这里之后,他拒绝向当地的地头蛇阿加(Aga Azzi)妥协。巴兰还遇见了当地的女乡村教师葛文德,两个人之间产生了爱慕之情。葛文德同样受到当地乡民们的排挤。就像巴兰一样,葛文德代表了另外一种秩序,一种由新生的,独立自主的库尔德国家赋予的秩序。作为一名单身的女子,葛文德的处境要比巴兰危险得多。

  • 老虎失落之地 Lost Land of the Tiger


    导演:Annie Backhouse, Susanna Handslip, Rowan Musgrave   编剧:Jonathan Keeling, Tim Martin

    主演:Richard Armitage, George McGavin, Justine Evans

      简 介

  • 雾人前传 No Man's Land: The Rise of Reeker

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Dave Payne   编剧:Dave Payne

    主演:迈克尔·罗伯特·布兰登, 迈克尔·穆内, 迈克尔·穆内

      1978年,死亡峡谷。警官戴维•麦克阿里斯特(David Stanbra 饰)将杀人如麻、残酷血腥的雾人(Ben Gunther 饰)绳之于法,这个作恶多端的噩梦最终死在毒气室里。
      时间回到现在,警长麦克阿里斯特(Robert Pine 饰)即将退休,他的儿子哈里斯(Michael Muhney 饰)则尾随父亲当上了警察。父子二人在六角餐馆用餐时,遭遇了在逃的赌场抢劫犯。双方展开对峙,年轻气盛的哈里斯引起大爆炸,两名劫匪劫持餐馆女招待玛雅(Mircea Monroe 饰)逃亡。在救援部队迟迟未到之时,戴维带着儿子展开谨慎的追踪。不过令双方始料未及的是,似乎有另一个神秘、恐怖的杀手将他们玩弄于鼓掌之中。邪恶的雾人精神不死,重返人间……

  • 寇德卡拍摄圣地 Koudelka Shooting Holy Land


    导演:吉拉德-巴拉姆Gilad Baram   编剧:吉拉德-巴拉姆Gilad Baram, 艾丽萨-皮尔福斯特Elisa Purfürst

    主演:约瑟夫-寇德卡Josef Koudelka

      Czech Photographer Josef Koudelka grew up behind the Iron Curtain and always wanted to know "what was on the other side". Forty years after capturing the iconic images of the Soviet invasion of Prague in 1968, the legendary Magnum photographer arrives in Israel and Palestine. On first seeing the nine-meter-high wall built by Israel in the West Bank, Koudelka is deeply shaken an...

  • 乐土迢迢 There Is a Happy Land Further Away


    导演:本·里弗斯   编剧:本·里弗斯


      Ben Rivers reveals the internal magic of life in the Vanuatu archipelago before it was devastated by Cyclone Pam. This meditative look at a distant world, where the fleeting lives of the native inhabitants come up against the perpetuity of capricious elements, is enhanced by recited verse from Henri Michaux.

  • 火山失落之地 Lost Land of the Volcano


    导演:   编剧:


      来自英国广播公司自然历史部门的团队,为拍摄《火山的遗失之地》(Lost Land Of The Volcano)系列电视剧,展开了在巴布亚新几内亚的一片鲜为人知的热带雨林里的旅行考察活动。

  • 血与蜜之地 In the Land of Blood and Honey

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:安吉丽娜·朱莉   编剧:安吉丽娜·朱莉

    主演:Goran Jevtic, 埃尔敏·西贾米贾, 米洛斯·蒂莫蒂杰维奇, 加斯娜·贝瑞, 扎纳·马加维克, 戈兰·卡斯蒂克, 拉德·舍博德兹加, 凡妮莎·格洛乔, 尼科拉·德里克, 布兰科·德约里奇, 菲迪迦·斯图肯, 阿尔玛·特尔齐奇, 伊莲娜·乔瓦诺娃, 厄明·布拉沃, Boris Ler

      丹尼尔(戈兰·科斯提 Goran Kostic 饰)和艾拉(扎娜·马加维克 Zana Marjanovic 饰)是一对感情非常要好的情侣,然而,两人所属的种族之间所发生的激烈冲突令这对恋人渐行渐远。和艾拉分开之后,丹尼尔追随这自己的父亲那波撒(拉德·舍博德兹加Rade Serbedzija 饰),成为了隶属于塞尔维亚军队的一名军官。

  • 大地的女孩 第二季 Land Girls Season 2


    导演:   编剧:Roland Moore

    主演:Becci Gemmell, Susan Cookson, 马克·本顿, Mykola Allen, 索菲·沃德, 乔·伍德考克, 赛琳·希兹利, 连姆·博伊尔