
  • 缩水老婆 The Incredible Shrinking Woman

    类型:喜剧, 科幻, 奇幻

    导演:Joel Schumacher   编剧:Richard Matheson, Jane Wagner

    主演:莉莉·汤姆林, 查尔斯·格罗丁, 尼德·巴蒂

      After being exposed to a bizarre mixture of household chemicals, Pat Kramer begins to shrink. This baffles scientists, makes parenting difficult, warms the hearts of Americans, and captures the attention of a group of people who want to take over the world. This evil group plots to kidnap Pat and perform experiments on her so that they can eventually shrink everyone.

  • 地平线:认识癌症 Making Sense of Cancer with Hannah Fry


    导演:Hannah Fry   编剧:Hannah Fry

    主演:Hannah Fry

      Hannah Fry, a professor of maths, is used to investigating the world around her through numbers. When she's diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 36, she starts to interrogate the way we diagnose and treat cancer by digging into the statistics to ask whether we are making the right choices in how we treat this disease. Are we sometimes too quick to screen and treat cance...

  • 谈性说爱 Speaking of Sex

    类型:喜剧, 爱情

    导演:John McNaughton   编剧:Gary Tieche

    主演:James Spader, Melora Walters, Jay Mohr

      美琳达(梅罗拉·沃特斯 饰)和丹(杰·摩尔 饰)是一对不和谐的夫妻,因为丹和妻子做爱时要用伟哥,而和偶遇的女侍应却用不上。像有人说的那样,最大的性器官处于两耳之间。电影由与美琳达有外遇的精神病医生罗杰·克林克(詹姆斯·斯派德 饰)展开,嫉妒的他突然闯入一家汽车旅馆,发现美琳达和丹正在“重拾激情”。渐渐地,他们复杂的关系有了眉目。

  • Brad Pitt: Breaking Hollywood


    导演:Roxane Schlumberger   编剧:Roxane Schlumberger

    主演:布拉德·皮特, 安吉丽娜·朱莉

      He may be one of the sexiest Hollywood actors, but his career and personal goals offer much more than his looks. Brad Pitt. One of the leading names in all of Hollywood. The well-known story of an unknown talent who transformed into a superstar. From historical dramas to futuristic sci-fi, from action thrillers to epics, from romantic comedy to black comedy, he has made his pre...

  • Walking the Dogs


    导演:Jeremy Brock   编剧:Helen Greaves

    主演:艾玛·汤普森, 拉塞尔·托维, 埃迪·马森

      A film by Vanessa Engle exploring our remarkable relationship with dogs. Over a number of months in north London's Hampstead Heath, Engle approached people who were walking their dogs to discover why they have a dog and the role their dog plays in their emotional lives. The people she meets tell their stories, many of which are moving, surprising and profound.

  • Faking Hitler Season 1


    导演:Tobi Baumann, Wolfgang Groos   编剧:Thomas Vass, Annika Cizek, Dominik Moser, Lydia Schamschula, 克里斯托夫·西尔伯

    主演:拉斯·艾丁格, 莫里兹·布雷多, Sinje Irslinger, Daniel Donskoy, 乌尔里希·图库尔, 詹妮特·海因, 詹妮特·海因 Jeanette Hain, 乌尔里希·图库尔 Ulrich Tukur

      Vor der Kamera stehen Lars Eidinger ("25 km/h", "Mackie Messer – Brechts Dreigroschenfilm") als STERN-Journalist Gerd Heidemann und Moritz Bleibtreu ("Der Baader Meinhof Komplex", "M – Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder") als Kunstfälscher Konrad Kujau. Sinje Irslinger ("Gott, du kannst ein Arsch sein!") spielt die Jungredakteurin Elisabeth vom Magazin STERN. Mit TV-Star Daniel Dons...

  • 波拉特美国行之监禁与揭发 第一季 Borat's American Lockdown & Debunking Borat Season 1


    导演:杰森·威奈勒   编剧:萨莎·拜伦·科恩, 丹·斯威默

    主演:萨莎·拜伦·科恩, Bob Turton, 玛丽亚·巴卡洛娃, Andrew Marantz

      Live the real-life drama of Sacha Baron Cohen, as Borat Sagdivev, where he spends five days at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic with two conspiracy theorists. Then, in Debunking Borat, see the two conspiracy theorists have their theories debunked by some of the world’s leading experts.

  • 烘焙先锋 第一季 Baking Impossible Season 1


    导演:   编剧:


      《烘焙先锋》是一部全新竞赛类节目,其中最具奇思妙想的烘焙师将与最优秀和聪明的工程师搭档,创作出超出我们最疯狂想象的作品 — 令人惊讶的是,这是他们第一次合作!在每集中,烘焙工程团队(1 名烘焙师 + 1 名工程师)将设计和烘焙作品并展开比拼,这些作品不仅要求美味,而且还要能够经受住高强度的工程压力测试。想象一下能浮起来的可食用船、可食用的迷你高尔夫球场,或是必须经得住模拟地震的可食用摩天大楼。

  • Red Sun, Black Sand: The Making of 'Letters from Iwo Jima'

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:加濑亮, 二宫和也, 渡边谦, 克林特·伊斯特伍德, 罗伯特·洛伦兹, 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格, 保罗·哈吉斯, 山下爱丽斯, 詹姆斯·J·默拉卡米, 亨利·巴姆斯泰德, Deborah Hopper, 汤姆·斯特恩, 乔尔·考克斯, 伊原刚志

  • 破冰 Breaking the Ice

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 同性, 运动

    导演:Clara Stern   编剧:Clara Stern

    主演:Alina Schaller, Judith Altenberger, Tobias Resch

      米拉(Alina Schaller 饰)的家族世代经营着一家葡萄园,最近生意非常的惨淡,作为葡萄园的继承者,米拉感受到了巨大的压力。米拉的祖父患有老年痴呆症,随着时间的推移,他的症状愈发的严重,与此同时,米拉的哥哥保罗(Tobias Resch 饰)也失踪了,这对于本就焦虑的米拉来说无疑是雪上加霜。
      为了发泄压力,米拉将大部分精力都放到了打冰球这项运动上,而她身为女子冰球队的队长,深受着队员们的尊敬和信赖。这一天,冰球队里来了一位新队友特蕾莎(Judith Altenberger 饰),特蕾莎的出现让米拉重新找到了快乐的感觉。之后,保罗也回到了米拉的身边,他们三人决定踏上前往维也纳的旅途。