
  • 卧底 第三季 Undercover Season 3


    导演:Joël Vanhoebrouck   编剧:Pieter De Graeve, Piet Matthys, Nico Moolenaar

    主演:Tom Waes, Frank Lammers, 娜西米耶·欧拉尔, Murat Seven, Gökhan Girginol, 爱丽丝·夏普

      I enjoyed this first episode. Great to see Ferry at his best. And Bob great character. An international serie from dutch

  • Miranda Does Christmas


    导演:巴巴拉·威尔希尔   编剧:保罗·鲍威尔

    主演:米兰达·哈特, 大卫·田纳特, Susan Calman, Prue Leith, 萨姆·史密斯

      Miranda Hart shows us how to make Christmas just as much fun as it used to be by carol singing and spreading Christmas joy. Guests include David Tennant, Sam Smith and Prue Leith.

  • 乐队的夏天 第二季

    类型:音乐, 真人秀

    导演:王雪, 陈雨璇, 周宗政   编剧:

    主演:李哲, 胡凯, 马成, 刘博宽, 咸俊, 史维旭, 张龙, 缪杰, 卢庚戌, 欧珈源, 阿哲, 许屹, 蔡宁, 王咏, 公瑾, 黄睿, Zoe, JOJO, 老黑, 大鹏, 王梓, 小盛, 伍晓东, 猴子, Chace, 安雨, 肖骏, 万家豪, 聪聪, 赵阳, 夏冰, 魏飞, Kubin, 马东, Junky, 周迅, 穆热阿勒, 大张伟, 全胜, 张亚东, 黛青塔娜, 郭京飞, 宝音, 周深, 希博, 汪峰, 秦霄贤, 付菡, 上官喜爱, 曹璞, 郭颖, 王静涵, 彭坦, 吴涛, 张明, 张宇煊, 白举纲, 张星, 殷之豪, 张一航, 李赫, 李剑, Miumiu, 汪苏泷, 李云迪, 蒋亮, 嘿人李逵, 苏运莹, 邢星, 邓力源, 木玛, 大伟, 华东, 刘敏, 黄锦, 李沂邦, 徐维均, 蔡维泽, 郑光良, 仁科, 茂涛, 卓越, 夏颖, 林玉峰, 高欣, 赵强, 吴狄, 白熙东, 刘家辉, 虫子, 刘昊, 边远, 刘虹位, 豆豆, 咪咪, 捏捏, 王彭, 李岩, 李凡, 王国旭, 郭龙, 张佺, 马雪松, 武锐, 蔡翔, 罗霄, 孙伯元, 裘咏靖, 陈仲颖, 李青, 张守望, 李维思, 陈军宏, 付晨雷, 朋克, 郑仕伟, 娄鑫磊, 大师, 小毛, 永驻, 世翔, 骏腾, 元帅, 酸, 文件夹, Tina, 铂洋, Tony, 嘉轩, 紫衣, 刘鹏, 66, Jimmy, 刘忻, 亮子, 大牛

      该重磅原创音乐综艺由周迅、大张伟、张亚东、马东担任超级大乐迷。节目集结了野孩子、达达、joyside、后海大鲨鱼、重塑、傻子与白痴、福禄寿等33支最具代表性的青年原创乐队,将通过一场场精彩的现场表演,多维度呈现乐队的独特风格 和魅力,竞逐2020年度HOT5乐队。

  • 花花基友 Flower

    类型:剧情, 短片, 情色, 同性

    导演:Matt Lambert   编剧:

    主演:布雷克·米切尔, Sean Ford, Joey Mills

      Five models and friends from Helix Studios are filmed over the course of a real evening being themselves and enjoying each other's company both emotionally and physically.

  • 油脂 Grease Live!


    导演:Thomas Kail, 艾力克斯·鲁津斯基   编剧:Warren Casey, Jim Jacobs

    主演:朱莉安·浩夫, 凡妮莎·哈金斯, 艾伦·特维特, 凯瑟·多诺休, 柯柯·帕尔莫

      After enjoying a summer romance, high school students Danny and Sandy are unexpectedly reunited when she transfers to Rydell High. There Sandy must contend with cynical Rizzo and the Pink Ladies in attempt to win Danny's heart again.

  • 海边的风 Ветер вдоль берега

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:伊凡·马克西莫夫   编剧:伊凡·马克西莫夫


      Traditionally-animated in crisp black-and-white, and lacking any dialogue whatsoever, the film is an enjoyable caution of the troubles facing residents who live on the coastline, completely unprotected from the ferocious winds.

  • 蓝脚鲣鸟 Mr. Blue Footed Booby

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Gino Imagino   编剧:Gino Imagino


      A combination of lucid dreams and thoughts that the director had. A blue being in danger of extinction, a half-man and half-bird called Mr. Blue Footed Booby, will enjoy a funny and surreal dinner.

  • 秋老虎的结束 Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The End of Indian Summer

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:Robert Stevens   编剧:James P. Cavanagh, Maurice Baudin

    主演:史蒂夫·弗罗斯特, 格拉黛丝·库珀

      An insurance investigator and his wife look into the case of Mrs. Gillespie, who has been widowed twice -- and has twice enjoyed windfalls from her husbands' life insurance.

  • 宅家博物馆 The Stay At Home Museum


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Till-Holger Borchert

      Museums in Flanders closed? Not for you! Our curators and directors guide you personally past the masterpieces of van Eyck, Bruegel, Rubens and many more. Please be welcome in the “Stay At Home Museum”, and enjoy your visit.

  • 伦敦娇妻 第二季 Ladies of London Season 2

    类型:剧情, 真人秀

    导演:bravo!   编剧:

    主演:Noelle Reno, Annabelle Neilson, Marissa Hermer

      Set in the glittering, class-conscious city of London, this new series follows a group of elite British socialites and American expats enjoying the upper crust of the high society world. ...