
  • 文明的崛起 第二季 The Ascent of Civilization Season 2


    导演:Sahar Eslah, Birgit Tanner   编剧:



  • 文明终结的奇案 The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know It

    类型:喜剧片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:约瑟夫·麦格拉思   编剧:约翰·克里斯, Jack Hobbs

    主演:约翰·克里斯, 亚瑟·罗维, 朗·穆迪, 霍利·帕兰切, 乔斯·雅克兰德

      The grandchild of Professor James Moriarty had promised the world that it has only five days left to live. Moriarty is a master of disguise, a crack shot, and is very patient. Several government figures are shot to death, and it seems that it truly is the end of civilization as we know it- until the President learns that the grandson of Sherlock Holmes is living at 221B Baker S...

  • 非洲伟大文明 Africa's Great Civilizations

    类型:纪录片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:亨利·路易斯·盖茨   编剧:Henry Louis Gates

    主演:亨利·路易斯·盖茨, Malik Kaddu, Lamin Tamba, Fabio Abraham, Richard Leakey, Kazeem Tosin Amore, George Lamptey

      突破孤立隔绝、僵化不变的史学成见,Henry Louis Gates Jr.博士讲述从人类诞生到二十世纪,二十万年来非洲的文明进化。
      In his six-hour 3 part series, Africa's Great Civilizations, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. takes a new look at the history of Africa, from the birth of humankind to the dawn of the 20th century. This is a breathtaking and personal journey through two hundred thousand years of history, from the origins, on the African c...

  • Ian, una historia que nos moviliza

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:Abel Goldfarb   编剧:加斯东·古拉里


      Ian was born with cerebral palsy. All he wants is to make friends, although it seems impossible to achieve when discrimination and bullying keep him away from his beloved playground. However, this young boy is determined and won't give up easily. The emotional animated short film shares a story about a boy with a disability called IAN. Ian's mother created IAN foundation to fig...

  • 希腊: 文明的滥觞 The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization


    导演:Cassian Harrison   编剧:

    主演:Liam Neeson, Paul Cartledge, Victor Davis Hanson, Keith Hopwood, Josiah Ober, Nigel Spivey

      本片属于PBS 帝国系列(PBS Empires Series)

  • 终结者:最高文明 Terminator: The Highest Civilization

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 科幻片电影, 悬疑片电影, 战争片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:   编剧:詹姆斯·卡梅隆



  • 计算文明 Math And The Rise Of Civilization

    类型:纪录片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:   编剧:


      第1集 2012.11.17
      第2集 2012.11.24
      「元素」- 我们从古埃及走到古希腊,心思慎密的思想家继承埃及人的数学智慧,再运用自己的逻辑思维在固有的基础上将数学进一步发扬光大。古希腊哲学家毕达哥拉斯的「毕氏定理」令数学的架构得到支持,令沿用至今的几何学原则得到充分的验证。
      第3集 2012...

  • 卡茨基尔公园 Catskill Park

    类型:科幻片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Vlad Yudin   编剧:Vlad Yudin

    主演:Lauren Francesca, 石文燕, Katelyn Pearce, Alexander Cendese, Brittney Lee Hamilton, 格雷戈里·雷, Rajesh Nahar

      Out in the woods and away from civilization, what starts as a normal camping trip turns into a nightmare when four friends are confronted with shrieking alien sounds outside their tent.

  • 海报男孩 Poster Boys


    导演:施瑞亚斯·塔尔帕德   编剧:Bunty Rathore

    主演:桑尼·戴尔, 波比·戴尔, 施瑞亚斯·塔尔帕德, Sonali Kulkarni, Tasha Bhambra, Somesh Agarwal, Samrat Raichand, Randheer Rai

      Life of three men comes in trouble when their photos appear on advertisement for sterilization.

  • 复活 Resurrection


    导演:Kristof Hoornaert   编剧:Kristof Hoornaert

    主演:约翰·雷森, Gilles De Schryver, 克里斯·库彭斯, Thomas Ryckewaert

      An old man who isolated himself from civilization receives an unexpected visitor.