
  • 长春树 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


    导演:伊利亚·卡赞   编剧:安尼塔·卢斯, 贝蒂·史密斯, 弗兰克·戴维斯, 苔丝·施莱辛格

    主演:多萝西·麦克吉尔, 琼·布朗德尔, 詹姆斯·杜恩, 劳伊德·诺兰, 詹姆斯·格利森, 特德·唐纳森, 佩吉·安·加纳, 鲁思·尼尔森, 约翰·亚历山大, B·S·皮伊


  • 青草生长时 While the Green Grass Grows


    导演:彼得·梅特勒   编剧:


      “邻家的草分外青”,这句众所周知的谚语实际上诠释了大量事物活动的诱因。比如瑞士阿彭策尔地区一条湍流的周期性变化,积雪的融化会导致河水泛滥;又如驱使彼得·梅特勒(Peter Mettler)的父母Julie和Freddy离开他们的家乡瑞士前往安大略省的风潮;又或者是非传统电影的运镜方式。然而,现在这些都被全球性的疾病大流行所凌驾。

  • 希望生长的地方 Where Hope Grows


    导演:Chris Dowling   编剧:Chris Dowling

    主演:克里斯托弗·普拉哈, David DeSanctis, Danica McKellar

      本片讲述Kristoffer Polaha饰演的棒球运动员因为个人问题,遗憾地结束了职业生涯。沮丧的他意外结识了在当地杂货店工作的小伙儿。慢慢的,他与这位患有唐氏综合症但乐观善良的打工仔成为朋友,并在他的帮助下,日渐走出人生低谷。

  • 原始的欲望 The Savage Is Loose


    导演:George C. Scott   编剧:马克斯·埃利希, 弗兰克·德·费里塔

    主演:乔治·C·斯科特, 翠施·范·德沃尔, 约翰·大卫·卡森, 李·蒙哥马利

      A husband, wife and their son are stranded on a remote island with no way off; as the son grows older, sexual tensions emerge.

  • La femme enfant


    导演:Raphaële Billetdoux   编剧:Raphaële Billetdoux

    主演:克劳斯·金斯基, Pénélope Palmer, 米歇尔·罗班

      Elisabeth, a 11 year old girl, visits Marcel, a mute gardener every morning with whom she shares a very particular friendship. During three years, their bond grows stronger, as Marcel seems to be the only person she can connect to

  • 屈伸 Flex


    导演:Josefin Malmen, David Strindberg   编剧:Josefin Malmen, David Strindberg

    主演:Calle Bolund

      A body-builder's internal monologue grows more intense as he flexes in front of a mirror.

  • 新屎诗级暴力 Violent Shit: The Movie


    导演:Luigi Pastore   编剧:


      Rome is shattered by a series of gruesome murders that paint the Eternal City deep red. The suspicion grows that these atrocious crimes hang together with the return of one of the most heinous serial killers of our time - Karl the Butcher.

  • 总是对的就是对的吗? Is It Always Right to Be Right?

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:李·米什金   编剧:Warren H. Schmidt


      The world is divided into factions, on opposite sides of issues; each side is, of course, right. And so the gap between the people grows, until someone challenges the absolutist view of what's "right."

  • 女皮条客 Pimp


    导演:Christine Crokos   编剧:Christine Crokos

    主演:柯柯·帕尔莫, 瓦妮莎·摩根, 艾迪·盖瑟吉, 哈莉·拉姆

      An urban love story set on the hard streets of the Bronx. A struggling female Pimp, named Wednesday, grows up learning the game from her dad. Once he's gone she's left to look out for her prostitute mother and girlfriend Nikki.

  • 猎人 Hunters


    导演:贾斯汀·李·柯林斯   编剧:Justin Lee

    主演:Ian Ziering, Phil Burke, Nicole Craner

      As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous

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