
  • 博格家族的故事 Le Conte Des Borg


    导演:卢卡斯·莫拉莱斯   编剧:卢卡斯·莫拉莱斯

    主演:卢卡斯·莫拉莱斯, Jean-Luc Rehel, Morgane Housset

      One day, Petrovic brings home a new prey, good fresh flesh the way he likes for his tribe. But nothing will happen as expected when his son, Juris will discover and fall under the charm of the young and pretty girl who is about to finish in their plate.

  • 伪劣的面孔 Faces of Schlock

    类型:喜剧, 恐怖, 短片

    导演:Justin Channell, Henrique Couto   编剧:Justin Channell

    主演:Izzie Harlow


  • 夺命大枪手 Tony Arzenta

    类型:剧情, 动作, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:杜奇奥·泰萨利   编剧:Franco Verucci, 乌戈·利贝拉托雷

    主演:欧露莎尔芭·奈丽, 卡拉·卡洛, 埃托雷·曼尼, 洛雷达娜·努斯齐亚克, 阿兰·德龙, 理查德·康特, 卡拉·歌拉薇娜, 马克·波雷尔, 罗杰·哈宁, 妮可莱塔·玛西亚弗利, 圭多·阿尔贝蒂, Lino Troisi, Silvano Tranquilli, 柯拉朵加伊帕, 艾丽卡·布兰克

      A mob hitman wants to retire, but his bosses don’t think that’s a good idea. Complications–and many bloody shootouts-ensue.

  • 美丽地图 The Beauty of Maps


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Denis Lawson

      《BBC 美丽地图》系列纪录片将向观众展示地图的视觉魅力和历史意义。大不列颠图书馆馆藏有450多万卷各式地图,其中大部分保存在图书馆的硕大地下室中,本节目就将带领观众探这惊人宝藏背后的秘密。

  • 敌占领土 Hostile Territory


    导演:布莱恩·普莱斯列   编剧:布莱恩·普莱斯列

    主演:马特·麦考伊, 卢·坦普尔, Brea Bee, 布拉德·利兰, 布莱恩·普莱斯列, Craig Tate, Cooper North

      In post-civil war America, when a Union soldier is presumed dead, his children are mistakenly sent away on the orphan train. This is a wild-west story of people uniting for the greater good, and children forced to grow up quickly.

  • 园艺世界 第四十八季 Gardeners' World Season 48


    导演:   编剧:


      Gardening show packed with good ideas, tips, advice from experts and timely reminders to get the most out of your garden, whatever its size or type

  • 好人萨姆 Good Sam

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情

    导演:莱奥·麦卡雷   编剧:莱奥·麦卡雷, 约翰·D·克洛尔, 肯·英格伦

    主演:加里·库珀, 安·谢里登, Ray Collins, 爱德蒙·罗威, 琼·洛林, 克林顿·松德贝里, 米内尔娃·尤雷卡尔, 路易丝·比弗斯, 汤姆·杜根

      Sam Clayton has a good heart and likes to help out people in need. In fact, he likes to help them out so much that he often finds himself broke and unable to help his own family buy the things they need--like a house.

  • 信任 The Reliant


    导演:Paul Munger   编剧:J.P. Johnston

    主演:Denise Morris, Jim E. Chandler, Marisa Lynae Hampton, Josh Murray, Ian Lauer, Nicole C. Mullen, 埃里克·罗伯茨, 凯文·索伯, 布莱恩·伯茨沃斯, 莫里·格雷, 泰勒·桑德斯, 凯文·韦恩, 布莱恩·法里戴, Ryan Buggle, Jenn Gotzon, Julia Denton, McKenna Bintz

      The collapse of the dollar precipitates widespread rioting and social unrest across the nation, leaving a lovesick girl struggling to care for her siblings in a stretch of woods bordered by lawless anarchy, wondering why a good God would let this happen.

  • 梅根失踪 Megan Is Missing

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:迈克尔·戈伊   编剧:迈克尔·戈伊

    主演:Tammy Klein, Lauren Leah Mitchell, Jon Simonelli, Craig Stoa, 尼基·克里斯蒂, 安德鲁·道布勒, 安伯·珀金斯, 蕾切尔·奎恩, 迪恩·维特, Jael Elizabeth Steinmeyer, 王仲欣, Brittany Hingle, Carolina Sabate, Trigve Hagen, Rudy Galvan, 艾普尔·斯图瓦特, John K. Frazier


  • 财神爷 The Fortune Handbook


    导演:孙立人   编剧:

    主演:赖怡伶, 李铭顺, 李国煌, 李南星, 王胜宇, 李嫣儿

      Su Fu, a good for nothing brother-in-law tries to steal an age old Chinese pastry recipe from his own brother-in -law in a bid to sell it and get rich quickly. Things quickly take a turn ...