
  • Find Her

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Nick McCallum   编剧:Nick McCallum

    主演:Nick McCallum, 理查德·古恩, Anais Lilit

      When an ex-cop arrives in a small town searching for answers to a murdered ranch owner and his missing daughter, it slowly becomes clear he has his own personal agenda to finding the truth.

  • 寻觅爱情 Find Love


    导演:Erica Dunton   编剧:Erica Dunton

    主演:克里斯蒂安·卡玛戈, Alexie Gilmore, 特拉茜·丁维迪

    is the partly-improvised and partly-scripted story of two strangers who aren't looking for love but find

  • 来找我 Come and Find Me


    导演:Zack Whedon   编剧:Zack Whedon

    主演:阿汀内·布朗, Alan O'Silva, Tim Perez, Corey Schmitt, 亚伦·保尔, 安娜贝拉·沃丽丝, 加瑞特·迪拉胡特, 特瑞·陈, 扎克里·奈顿, Jordana Largy, 田· 薇拉莉, 克里斯·乔克, 迈克尔·科普萨, Dean Redman, Jessica Heafey

      When his girlfriend goes missing, David must track down her whereabouts after he realizes she's not who she was pretending to be.

  • 判我有罪 Find Me Guilty

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:西德尼·吕美特   编剧:西德尼·吕美特, T.J. Mancini, Robert J. McCrea

    主演:范·迪塞尔, 阿历克斯·罗克, Frank Pietrangolare, 理查德·德多梅尼科, Jerry Grayson

      美国黑手党根基深厚,危害严重。为了清除社会弊端,警方经过多年的侦察和筹备,对五大家族之一的卢切斯家族展开攻势。包括新泽西头目杰基•迪诺西奥(Vin Diesel 文•迪塞尔 饰)在内的20名家族成员被捕,并被指控76项罪名。在审判之前,公诉方与杰基秘密谈判,要他选择或者遭受长达30年的牢狱之灾,或者充当污点证人,指控其他家族成员。
      影片根据美国司法历史上最长的一次黑帮刑事审判改编而成,主人公为上世纪80年代的传奇帮派头目杰基•迪诺西奥(Jackie DiNorscio),故事情节与台词片段均采自18年前入档的庭审记录。由于案情复杂,且牵涉人物众多,审判持续21个月之久,并创下多项纪录:创下了多项庭审纪录:20名被告配备了20名辩护律师、8个陪审团轮番上阵以及史无前...

  • 完美爱人生 The Perfect Find

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:努马·佩里尔   编剧:Leigh Davenport, Tia Williams

    主演:吉娜·托瑞斯, D.B.伍德塞德, 加布里埃尔·尤尼恩, 艾莎·辛德斯, 凯斯·鲍尔斯, 泰勒·安东尼厄斯, Janet Hubert


  • 酷酷的发现 Cool Things to Find


    导演:Simon Jago   编剧:

    主演:Cara Peacock, David Hudson, Steven Hudson, David Zimmermann

      Why did we make this video?
      Well, first off, we here at Cinesaurus really love Dumb Ways to Die. Second, we are huge fans of NASA and everything they are doing here on Earth, in Space and on Mars. We like to do anything we can to help support NASA and think you should too! Write to your Senator, call them, make sure they don't cut any more of their budget.
      Who is Cinesaurus?

  • 找到那道光 Find the Light

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Abdullah Khan   编剧:Abdullah Khan

    主演:Ben Gonzales, Spencer Allum, Sarah Feldman, Harry Miller, Aaron Ibn-Ibrahim, Finlay Vane Last, Luka Gusic, 乔治·麦凯, 阿梅吉特·德尤, 阿梅吉特·德尤 Amerjit Deu, 瑞斯·斯通, 瑞斯·斯通 Rhys Stone, Mikolaj Wasowski, Jaysol Doy, Josh Sales, Holly Causer, Keenan Munn-Francis, Juwayriyya Khan

      A young victimized Pakistani boy decides to confront his inner demons by drowning himself, and during the process finds purpose and meaning in his life.

  • 一日港湾 Find harbour for a day


    导演:Paul Marques Duarte   编剧:


  • 我会找到出路 I'll Find a Way

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Beverly Shaffer (II)   编剧:



  • 神奇动物在哪里4 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 4

    类型:家庭片电影, 奇幻片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:大卫·叶茨   编剧:J. K. 罗琳


      J·K·罗琳 确认《神奇动物在哪里》系列一共将拍五部。