
  • 三人早餐 Three for Breakfast


    导演:杰克·汉纳   编剧:Nick George

    主演:克拉伦斯·纳什, James MacDonald, Dessie Flynn

      Donald Duck gets into a lot of trouble while he's cooking pancakes for breakfast - Chip and Dale are up to their mischief. Donald tries a number of plans to get rid of them, but they repeatedly foil Donald's plans.

  • 狗的早餐 A Dog's Breakfast


    导演:David Hewlett   编剧:

    主演:David Hewlett ... Patrick, Kate Hewlett ... Marilyn, Paul McGillion ... Ryan


  • 与斯科特共进早餐 Breakfast with Scot

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 音乐片电影, 运动片电影

    导演:Laurie Lynd   编剧:Sean Reycraft

    主演:本·申克曼, 梅根·佛洛斯, 汤姆·卡瓦纳夫, Cameron Ansell, 本兹·安托万, 格雷厄姆·格林, 诺亚·伯内特

      艾瑞克(本·申克曼 Ben Shenkman 饰)是一位事业颇为成功的冰球运动员,在这项充满了对抗的体育竞技项目中,艾瑞克练就了一幅壮硕的体格和一颗充满了勇气的内心。随着年龄的增长,艾瑞克必须考虑退居二线了,在他的人生规划中,他将成为一名体育评论员并和自己的同性恋男友山姆(汤姆·加瓦那 Tom Cavanagh 饰)走入充满了幸福和浪漫的二人世界。
      令艾瑞克没有想到的是,山姆竟然带来了一个“拖油瓶”——十一岁的男孩斯科特(Noah Bernett 饰),作为斯科特的法定监护人,山姆有责任照顾这个孩子的衣食住行。斯科特是个特殊的男孩,他个性软弱举止扭捏,这一切都和艾瑞克的期望相反,看着眼前“不成器”的斯科特,艾瑞克决定给他来一个“特殊训练”。

  • 爱在早餐前 Love Before Breakfast


    导演:Walter Lang   编剧:费斯·鲍德温, 赫伯特·菲尔茨

    主演:卡洛·朗白, 普雷斯顿·福斯特, 恺撒·罗摩洛

  • 旅馆夜惊魂 The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror


    导演:Jaymes Thompson   编剧:Jaymes Thompson

    主演:Mari Marks, Michael Soldier, Georgia Jean

      Helen (Mari Marks饰演) 跟Luella (Georgia Jean饰演) 是一对虔诚敬神的母女,经营着一家破旧但依然迷人的小旅馆,旅馆的名字叫做‘撒哈拉救赎之床与早餐’(好长的店名哦!)。母女2人在这个小旅馆还亲自给客人做好吃的水果馅饼。一切看来都再正常不过,但真是这样么?在一年一度最大的同志周末聚会前夜,未曾预先订房的5对情侣发现他们不得不住在离城很远的地方,于是找到这间旅馆。这一堆人里面有Dom 跟Alex,聚会上的表演嘉宾(分别由Vinny Markus和 Michael Soldier饰演);Deborah和Gabby, 阅历丰富的拉拉情侣,从事成人情趣用品制造(分别由Shannon Lee 和Denise Heller饰演);还有Mike 跟Eric, 有钱有势的上流‘雅皮’情侣 (分别由Derek Long 和Rober...

  • 如果你不在讣告里,就吃早餐吧 If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast


    导演:Danny Gold   编剧:Danny Gold, Michael Mayhew

    主演:柯克·道格拉斯, Dan Buettner, Arlene Silver, Irving Fields, Stan Harper, Arlene Van Dyke, 杰瑞·宋飞, 斯坦·李, 迪克·范·戴克, 卡尔·雷纳, 梅尔·布鲁克斯, 诺曼·利尔, 贝蒂·怀特, 托尼·本内特, Patricia Morison, George Shapiro, Fyvush Finkel

      “Every morning before having breakfast, I pick up my newspaper, get the obituary section, and see if I’m listed,” says comedy legend Carl Reiner. “If I’m not, I’ll have my breakfast.” The 95-year-old wonders why some of his friends died years ago, while others are still thriving, asking, “Was it luck, genes, modern medicine or are we doing something right?”
      If You’re Not in the...

  • 黑色早餐 Black Breakfast


    导演:贾樟柯   编剧:赵静


      联合国人权委员会”Stories on Human Rights“短片之一。

  • 早餐时的不速之客 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Guest for Breakfast

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:保罗·亨雷德   编剧:Robert C. Dennis, C.B. Gilford

    主演:阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克, 琼台彻尔, 史葛麦凯, 理查德·谢帕德

      Jordon and Eve Ross are a married couple who are constantly fighting. Their latest argument is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a wanted murderer named Lacey. He holds them captive all night. Lacey ends up being an effective marriage counselor. Through the night he convinces the couple to amend their differences. All of this is despite the fact that Lacey is wanted for m...

  • 与亨特早餐 Breakfast with Hunter


    导演:Wayne Ewing   编剧:


      Wayne Ewing's documentary only offers so much of a glimpse of Thompson, at a crucial point during the 96-97 period where Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas- perhaps the pinnacle of his career, if at least his most well-regarded and notorious masterwork- was having it's 25th anniversary, and amid the celebrations and reverence there was still work to be done, and some trouble on the h...

  • 加速 faster


    导演:Mark Neale   编剧:

    主演:Ewan McGregor, Valentino Rossi, Max Biaggi, Garry McCoy

      自电视播出以来,这是第一部走进 MotoGP 世界的电影,它将一项在赛道上只有数千名观众观看的运动,变成了全球超过 3.5 亿人的黄金时段娱乐节目。MotoGP 世界锦标赛是摩托车运动的巅峰赛事,由二十四位世界顶级车手在五大洲进行十六场系列赛事。FASTER 在 2001 和 2002 赛季期间在世界各地拍摄,提出了一个问题: 如何比别人跑得更快,如何在这场充满魅力和危险的比赛中获胜?这部电影的副标题可以是:如何击败瓦伦蒂诺-罗西?这位 24 岁的意大利人是 2001 年和 2002 年的世界冠军,目前在 MotoGP 赛事中独占鳌头,他也是影片中极具魅力的中心人物。此外,《FASTER》还关注了其他三位车手: 罗西的劲敌马克斯-比亚吉(Max Biaggi)、才华横溢但容易受伤的加里-麦考伊(Garry McCoy)以及冉冉升起的少年新星约翰-霍普金斯(John Hopkins)。配角包括前世界冠军米克-杜汉(Mick Doohan)、凯文-施万茨(Kevin Schwantz)、韦恩-雷尼(Wayne Rainey)、肯尼-罗伯茨(Kenny Roberts)和巴里-希恩(Barry Sheene)。
      The first film to go inside the MotoGP world since television took a sport watched by a few thousand spectators at race tracks and turned it into prime-time entertainment for over 350 million people worldwide. The MotoGP world championship is the pinnacle of motorcycle sport, a series of sixteen races on five continents contested by twenty-four of the world's top riders. Filmed around the world during the 2001 and 2002 seasons, FASTER asks this question: How do you go faster than the rest, how do you win at this glamorous, dangerous game? The movie could be subtitled: How do you beat Valentino Rossi? The 24 year old Italian, world champion in 2001 and 2002, currently dominates MotoGP, and he's the charismatic center of the film. In addition, FASTER focuses on three other riders: Rossi's bitter rival Max Biaggi; the brilliant but injury-prone Garry McCoy; and the rising teenage star John Hopkins. Tales told by a supporting cast include former world champions including Mick Doohan, Kevin Schwantz, Wayne Rainey, Kenny Roberts and Barry Sheene.