
  • 內侍 내시


    导演:申相玉   编剧:郭一路

    主演:尹静姬, 申星一, 朴鲁植, 南宫远, 崔福岩, 金惠贞, 许长江, 都琴峰

      A nobleman sends his daughter to the king as a concubine in order to gain personal power and favors from the monarch. Her lover follows her into the palace disguised as a eunuch. They continue to meet in secret until discovered and sentenced to death.

  • 飓风比安卡 Hurricane Bianca

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Matt Kugelman   编剧:Matt Kugelman

    主演:Bianca Del Rio, 艾伦·卡明, 瑞秋·德拉彻, Willam Belli, Alyssa Edwards, Shangela Laquifa Wadley, 赵牡丹

      A New York teacher who moves to small town Texas, is fired for being gay, and returns disguised as a mean lady to get revenge on the nasty town.

  • 戏法师:推理游戏 Magician: Game of Detective

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Tanxuan Shi   编剧:Tanxuan Shi

    主演:Yunus Pashaliyev, Lauren Rodriguez, David C. Smalley, Andy Sun, Mona Arkin, Peipei Duan, Yisrael Dubov, Simon Gu, Conan Liu, Xueni Liu, Yuewei Liu, Lan Ma, Frank Martos, Shiyin Nan, Haobin Pan

      Zhang Cheng, an under-appreciated successor of Chinese face-changing, assists the police to arrest a top Japanese disguised thief by chance and be trapped in a tactical conspiracy.

  • 不顾一切! Trotz alledem!

    类型:传记片电影, 历史片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:Günter Reisch   编剧:Günter Karl

    主演:Rolf Ludwig, Adolf Fischer, 乌尔里希·安修斯, 卡尔·海因茨·乔恩斯基, Horst Schulze, Lyudmila Kasyanova, Ute Illmann, Lutz Fremde, Albert Hetterle, Erika Dunkelmann, 霍夫曼·尤塔, Burkhard Mann, 佐菲亚·姆罗佐夫斯卡, 米哈伊尔·乌里扬诺夫, 弗雷德·德尔马尔

      Propaganda movie disguised as a history drama about the Life of Karl Liebknecht. This is the follow up to "Solange Leben in mir ist" that the same director shot in 1965.

  • 动物 Heyvan

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:巴曼·艾克   编剧:巴曼·艾克


      A man who wants to pass the border hunts a ram and decides to escape disguised as the animal.

  • 来来去去 カム・アンド・ゴー


    导演:林家威   编剧:林家威

    主演:李康生, 渡辺真起子, 千原靖史, 兔丸愛美

      A Korean girl at a party disguisedly as a porno actress. An overly ambitious Nepalese man. A Vietnamese far from home. An Okinawa-born filmmaker in debt. A non-stop ensemble film about people surviving in Osaka.